general. So, we had to do our best to capture
what she was going after… that swampy North
Carolina vibe.
They gave us a really rough demo to learn all the
timing of it, because she’s musically advanced
and we’re normally 6/8 or 4/4. On this one
there’s a few bars of 6, there’s a few bars of
3, so we had to learn it and it took us a while.
We couldn’t just show up and listen to it once
and play it. We had to really dive in and go after
that really swampy sound. It took us maybe two
or three tries, and we ended up using the take
from WorshipU here at the school.
There’s just so much live energy on it, and it
was a new vibe and a new sound. We’ve been
doing it on tour and it’s my favorite song to play,
it’s just so fun, I love it. It’s a real swampy kind
of groove, and then the last section swings
even more. There’s this evolving of the song
throughout that I think is kind of cool. And
it was part of her vision – to have it start out I love to teach on how to approach a new song, true son and not just my identity as a drummer.
real swampy, and then by the end we’re neck how to serve a song well. I also love to tell my Because if my identity was about being a
deep in swamp. (laughs) Honestly it’s one of story, how I dealt with offense and not being drummer I would be torn up from the inside,
my favorite songs. “Raise A Hallelujah” and promoted while watching other guys being I would be so offended and so mad about
“Ain’t No Grave” are also two of my favorite promoted, and how I learned how to celebrate not getting all of the opportunities, or being
songs from the album. They’re from the Helser them. I love talking about those two the most overlooked. Once I had that revelation of me
crew, and they carry something really special, just because they’re very personal to me. I really being a son of God, all that other stuff
and it’s so fun playing with them and serving never wanted to be a worship drummer per se. comes and goes, but it’s not going to throw me
their vision. It wasn’t like a goal when I was a child – I fell in if I don’t get the next tour, or I’m not on the next
love with the presence of God and I fell in love album, not at all.
[WM] You mentioned WorshipU. What are with the drums. That’s all I ever wanted to do, some of the things that you’re most passionate whether it was on a goat farm, in a prayer room So that’s what I love talking to young guys
about teaching about? in Kansas City, or touring with Bethel. No mater about, once you really truly understand who
what it was I still loved it, I fell in love with it. you are as a son, the other stuff will come and
[David] WorshipU is our two-week school that Trying to communicate with our students that go. We celebrate our victories, we celebrate
we have here in Redding, California. Most of it’s a bigger picture then just not getting the the people in front of us that get victories, and
the questions I get are, “How do you write drum cool gig or whatever. we’re all on the same team so it’s important to
parts?” or, “How do you deal with offense”.
(laughs) So a pretty wide-range of topics.
really champion the other guys. I love talking
For me it’s always been about my identity as a
about that stuff, I could talk about it for hours
because I have so many stories.
The two-week school is so fun, I wish I would
have known about it earlier. I would have come
out just to be a part of it. So many people here
have a wealth of knowledge, whether it’s music
business, or recording, or live streaming, or
Bethel Music with Molly Skaggs //
“Ain’t No Grave” Live
Bethel Music //
“Raise A Halleluiah” Live
March 2019
songwriting. I love being a part of WorshipU.
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