not too bright and they have a massive dynamic
range. I love them!
[WM] One of the other things I noticed is that
I’ve seen you using the butt end of the stick on
your snare hand. Is that a volume thing or is
that about sound and the attack of the drum?
And, how does that factor into your use of the
drum shield?
[David] I started flipping it maybe a year after
I joined Bethel. I was tilting my snare a little bit
downward to get a better rim shot. We had a
few guys here who were just experimenting
and trying different things, so I flipped my stick
and I loved it because I was able to get a big
beefy snare sound, and I didn’t have to hit it as
hard. My tone got a lot better and my left hand
became a little more consistent with my right
hand. Usually if you’re a right-handed drummer
2018 UK Tour Setup
your left hand will sometimes not hit as hard
Geoff from Truth Custom Drums, he lives up I used to use the SPD-SX as a MIDI controller doing fills and stuff, so I flipped my stick and
in Portland, Oregon and he’s close with a lot but now I use it to play sounds live. I load in my everything just became better. My tone became
of the guys here at Bethel, so that’s how we own samples and play those live throughout the better in striking the drums. My snare sounded
initially met. I stayed in contact with him and set. Depending on tours I’ll use an external MIDI really fat… big, loud, and punchy, and that’s
they started making the coolest drums ever. pad. For this last UK tour, I found an old Roland what I wanted!
pad somewhere and I just hooked it up and it
I use a 24x18 kick drum, 13x9 rack tom, 16x16 worked, it’s from an old V-Drum set. I hooked it The drum shield situation. I’ve learned over
floor toms, and then I use a 14x8 brass snare, up to the SPD-SX and I used it for sub drops, the years to respect our sound team, to know
all by Truth Custom Drums. I have a great tambourines or whatever throughout the set. the environment we’re in, and how to play with
relationship with Geoff and his drums sound
control. When we don’t have a drum shield I
massive – like cannons. They work perfect for The Novation Launchpad, is the old version, I can’t just go crazy and go nuts, especially with
us, I love those guys. think it’s the first version to come out. I use that our vocalists being really close, there can be a
to launch songs in Ableton because I usually lot of cymbal bleed. So, having the maturity to
Next up is hardware. I use DW hardware, they run the tracks for our tours and in church know how to play in different environments was
make great stuff. I’ve been loving the 6000 services. I use it to MIDI map the songs and to pretty key for me to learn. We use a drum shield
Series mainly because they’re less bulky. fire them whenever we’re ready to go. here at church, and I honestly don’t love drum
They look really cool, they’re just those old
shields. But I respect our sound guys enough
school vintage style Beatles cymbal stands. Cymbals! I love Istanbul Agop Series – I have to be okay with it. It’s not about me, I’m not
They’re really lightweight and that helps a ton. the Traditional Dark. I have a huge collection trying to impress anyone here. I’m just trying
I use a 9000 Series pedal, and a 9000 Series of hi-hats, but my go-to ones are the 16” to serve and help lead people into worship. So
drum throne. 30 th Anniversary Istanbul hi-hats. I use a 22” shield or no shield, that’s my job!
Traditional Dark crash on my left side, and on
David Whitworth // Truth Custom Drums
the right of got a 24” signature ride, and then As a young drummer, you don’t want to use a
a 24” inch Agop Traditional Dark for my next drum shield. You want to play as hard as you
crash. They sound so good! They’re buttery, can, you want everyone to watch you be the
and they just have been my favorite cymbals cool guy. I had to learn that’s not the case,
– especially for worship music. They’re really and that’s not why I’m doing this at all. So I’m
versatile, they give me a big wash, and they okay with it now, I’ve come to be okay with the
work in a lot of different environments. They’re drum shield! (laughs)
March 2019
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