Worship Musician Magazine September 2022 | Page 8

all these years in Scripture is Jesus . And especially when we read of Jesus and all the miracles , of the blind being able to see and the dead being raised and the lame walking and all these miracles of Jesus - these signs and wonders . The same God we worship today and in our hope for the future that God is ... it ’ s a reminder that God is faithful even when we ’ re faithless . I mean I love that Scripture . One of my favorites ever is God ’ s faithful when we are faithless because He cannot deny himself . And that ’ s who he is . He is faithful . And the idea of Always is faithfulness . It is an always God , not a “ when you ’ re good God ”, or a “ when you do the right things God ”, it ’ s an always God . And that ’ s what we ’ re trying to say in the title and with this song .
[ WM ] And your radio single , “ Holy Forever ”, will be released this month . What can you tell us about this song ?
[ Chris ] “ Holy Forever ” is to me the anchor of the record . This is the anchor song of the album , and it is very special . I wrote this with Brian and Jen Johnson , Jason Ingram and Phil Wickham . So , if you can ’ t write a good song with those guys , you need to do something else because there are amazing hearts of worship in these songwriters . And what we try to do in this song is transcendent . It has a transcendence to it . That what I mean is it takes you to another place . It takes you to a place of this throne room of God , of heaven , thats the best we can
Holy Forever attempt to do here on earth .
Like I said , in this , when I said about Always , there is an everlasting song that is going on and that song is “ Holy , holy , holy is the Lord God almighty .” That ’ s what the Scripture says . The day and night never stop this song . “ Holy , holy , holy is the Lord God almighty .” And so , this song is an invitation and to join in that song and with the angels , it ’ s in creation and all of time .
It ’ s a song that reminds us that our faith is not 30 minutes old . We ’ re in a world where everything ’ s shifting and changing every day . And what is the truth ? And it ’ s amazing to say , our faith is so , we stand on so many generations before us . The opening line of “ Thousand generations falling down in worship .” And then the idea of those who come before us and those who will come after us , that will all join in this song . Holy . That word “ holy ” is so special , that word “ holy ”
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