Worship Musician Magazine September 2022 | Página 7

Always is an English word that evokes many descriptives . It certainly communicates Chris Tomlin ’ s perspective of God . Always . Faithful . Forever . Chris ’ s new project has just been released and will help support his Fall , 2022 Tour . We caught up with Chris in Tennessee for a recent visit . Join us .
[ WM ] It ’ s good to see you ! I don ’ t think we ’ ve had a visit since the Chris Tomlin and Friends project , two years ago . I found our talk fascinating because of our Country music discussion .
[ Chris Tomlin ] Thank you . I love it !
[ WM ] Your new project is called Always , a full 13 song release . Always is such a great word . A preliminary look at the word includes the synonyms of forever , invariably , unfailing , consistently , and every time . Tell us about the
Always ( acoustic )
project and song “ Always ”, and what it means to you .
[ Chris ] I love that . I have not looked up the synonyms . But I think about the song , the word “ always ” and how it ’ s this eternal , infinite , always , everlasting , kind of word . Hebrews 13:8 says , “ Jesus Christ is the same yesterday , today and forever .” And that ’ s kind of the heart behind the song “ Always ”, and the title Always .
When it comes to worship , one of the things that I say a lot in my concerts is that tonight when we ’ re together , or we ’ re gathering on Sunday morning , or whenever we ’ re gathered to worship together , as believers , as the Body of Christ , it ’ s different than just coming , especially on a night of worship or concert , this is different than just coming to entertainment . You ’ re tapping into something when you worship God , and when we worship together . The music is different . There ’ s a different responsibility in it . It ’ s a different moment , because you ’ re tapping into the soul , singing to God , which is an eternal . He says that there ’ s an eternal song . There is an everlasting song that is going on , that ’ s been way before us and will come way after us . And you ’ re joined in that . So , this song “ Always ”, and the title Always is trying to capture that .
Even in the song “ Always ”, it ’ s really saying that the same God that we ’ ve read about
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