is set apart for God . It is the word that is one of the most special words in our language for God , because “ holy ” means set apart , means completely other , not like us . Whatever this is , it ’ s not like us . And I love that one .
So that word “ holy ” is , it ’ s a thing that just makes you want to get on your face and your knees and go , “ Wow , this is above me . This is bigger than me ”. And so , what I feel like this song does in a special way , is takes us to the bigger story . It reminds us of the greater story that we ’ re in . And there ’ s really not anything about us in the song . It ’ s just about our heart ’ s attention , our mind ’ s attention , our eyes , every focus to who God is and just saying how worthy and how great you are .
I found that those songs , those songs are the ones that seem to really change your room when you play them . A song like “ How Great is Our God ” is a song like that . It ’ s nothing about us . We ’ re just all together . It ’ s this collective feeling of coming together to worship .
I ’ ve been saying a lot that there are songs of deliverance and there are songs of transcendence when it comes to worship . Songs of deliverance are songs that are , God , I need you . I need your rescue . I need your grace . I need you . They are what You ’ ve done for me .
Then there are songs of transcendence , which I ’ ve written a lot of . The Psalms are filled with them , but then there ’ s those songs of transcendence , which are just like , this is so beyond me , nothing about me in the deal . I ’ m just in a place of like , “ Wow , you are worthy ”. There ’ s only one who is holy . Those songs . Those don ’ t come along . I think about two hymns , “ Amazing Grace ”, a song of deliverance . I need your grace . “ Holy , Holy , Holy ”. A song of just complete transcendence of like , “ Wow , this who I ’ m coming to is bigger than me ”. And when you tap into those songs , it gets into a place of really changing the atmosphere of a room .
[ WM ] Yeah . You remind me when you ’ re talking about songs of transcendence , it ’ s like when you ’ re in the congregation and you ’ re singing the verse and you ’ re caught up in worship and then you ’ re thinking , “ Okay , here it comes . It ’ s coming . The chorus is coming .” And then you just can ’ t wait to get there to that chorus and sing that chorus collectively . There ’ s anticipation leading up to singing a great chorus .
[ Chris ] Yes , that ’ s right . That ’ s right .
[ WM ] You ’ ve dipped back into the past with Keith ’ s ( Green ) classic , “ Oh Lord You ’ re Beautiful ”. There definitely is a place for worship leaders incorporating certain classic worship