Worship Musician Magazine September 2020 | Page 91

all over the world and encourage, train and equip them to have excellent worship experiences everywhere! [WM] Noting that your patches sound awesome, are you ever surprised by the number of worship guitar players who use your patches versus creating their own? [Brian Michael Fuller] Yes, I would say we are a little surprised. But at the end of the day, we are customers too. I often find myself in situations where I too want to save time and have someone else do the legwork for me so I can get to making music faster… knowing that my sounds will be on point! [Bradford Mitchell] Absolutely. But 100% agree with Fuller. We also see that a lot of worship leaders want to find an easy way to start playing electric guitar on a Sunday and getting our patches helps get up and running quicker. That’s definitely part of our desire. [Brian Wahl] It is surprising for sure. But I often remember the first time I dove into using a modeler – the POD XT Live and then the HD500x. I had no idea what I was doing, and my tone suffered. Coming from a traditional amps/pedals rig, modern modelers can be pretty daunting for a first-time user. I think a lot of people use our patches to learn how we navigate the Helix itself, and as a jumping off point to create their own sounds. [WM] In addition to being a great bunch of guys, you’ve created a thriving business. What are some of the most important lessons you’ve learned along the way? [Brian Wahl] The biggest thing I learned is that there is immeasurably more value in pouring into others than there is in trying to show the world how good you think you are! When I started the Worship Tutorials YouTube Channel (it was called ‘Brian Wahl Band’ back then), I thought I would make videos to show off what I could do musically. I soon pivoted to making content to help equip others to do what they Brian Wahl wanted to do, and eventually the vision became helping churches have worship experiences that are both authentic and excellent. [Bradford Mitchell] There was a time that I was in the same spot as the people messaging me asking for help, advice, and direction. So, I want to be to those people what I wish I had when I was in their spot. Whether it’s just offering my thoughts and help and/or by making a product of some kind that can make their ministries better and easier. [Brian Michael Fuller] God is in control. We just need to follow through and work hard! [WM] Any particularly humorous moments that come to mind when you think about the early days? [Brian Michael Fuller] Brian Wahl and I used to have to work together in a place called September 2020 Subscribe for Free... 91