Worship Musician Magazine September 2020 | Page 90

WORSHIP TUTORIALS MARKS 100,000 TH HELIX PATCH DOWNLOAD By Doug Doppler From the DL4 to Helix, Line 6’s contribution to the sound end evolution of worship guitar is undeniable. Noting that they just celebrated the download the 100,000 th of one of their Helix patches, the same is just as true for the Worship Tutorials teams. There patches are used by more worship guitar players around the globe week in and week out than any other patch purveyor, Line 6 excepted. We wanted to catch up the guys so they could tell this story from their perspective. And if you’re down for gear giveaways, you don’t want to miss the opportunity to jump in on their 100k celebration for a chance to win some Line 6 goodness! [WM] 100,000 Helix patch downloads is a huge milestone. What does this accomplishment mean to you? [Brian Wahl] It’s an enormous blessing, and we are constantly blown away by the Helix community of players (and Line 6 themselves). It is an honor to be a part of it, and just a ton of fun to be able to create tones that we know people are going to use and love. [Bradford Mitchell] It’s an honor and a privilege to know that so many people like what we do and consider it a big part of their preparation and rig on a Sunday. [Brian Michael Fuller] It’s truly a sign the God is allowing us to reach worship musicians 90 September 2020 Subscribe for Free...