Worship Musician Magazine September 2020 | Page 92
the “Hope House”. It was a terribly equipped
beat up old home with dead rats in the wall and
no working heat or air conditioning. Needless
to say, we would often be either sweating or
watching our breath clouds as we breathed
the cold air! I don’t miss that. Lol RIP – Jeff the
[Brian Wahl] Anyone remember Rick Squier?
Those videos were crazy and so much fun
to make! I also cussed from stage during a
worship song in church. Mixed up the words
‘sing’ and ‘shout’. I have the eval video, and
you can hear it loud and clear. I’ll make a video
about it on the channel eventually.
[WM] Everyone hopes for success when they
launch a business, did you dream this big when
you started?
[Brian Wahl] Not even close. It’s still amazing
that this is what I get to do. We’re living the
[Bradford Mitchell] When I started joining
Brian initially it was really just to help people
and offer whatever info I could. Still is. I was
just stoked to hang with Brian and make some
[Brian Michael Fuller] We had no idea how
big the brand would become. But at the same
time, we aren’t going to start something that we
think will fail either. I would say it’s both bigger
than we thought and not as big as we imagine
for in the future. When God gives you a vision,
it should be bigger than you can accomplish
on your own. Otherwise you don’t need Him!
Dream big or go home.
Brian Michael Fuller
When God gives you a vision, it should
be bigger than you can accomplish on
your own. Otherwise you don’t need
Him! Dream big or go home.
[Brian Michael Fuller]
[WM] Facebook and YouTube have been
particularly great vehicles for what you do. Has
it been easy to find a balance between letting
players know you’ve got new patches to serve
them versus using social media to ‘sell into’
your latest offerings?
[Brian Wahl] I’ve always approached it
like this – for every ‘ask’ we make – whether
that’s to buy a new patch or online course or
something – we try to offer at least two or three
things for free that are valuable for people. We
want people to know that we exist first of all
to equip them to lead worship as well as they
possibly can. The products and services we
offer fit into that, but the vast majority of the
content we’ve made at Worship Tutorials is
available 100% for free.
[WM] Noting that you all have growing
families, what advice do you have on striking
the balance between work, church, family, and
[Bradford Mitchell] Setting boundaries on
the front end is important. My wife knows what
I want to accomplish and knows it’s important
to me because we’ve had these conversations.
92 September 2020
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