Worship Musician Magazine October 2021 | Page 32

end of your world . I think your world is much too small . I love music . And by the way , that sounded really preachy . I would say that to myself . I can think much too much of myself sometimes . And go like , " The world needs my songs ." The world doesn ' t need my songs . The world needs Jesus .
[ WM ] The world does need Jesus . That ' s right .
[ Darren ] So , on this season I ' ve opened my hands up and I said , " God , I ' m going to do the best I can . And that ' s all I can do . You ' re going to have to do the rest ." And what we found is since we dropped “ Come What May ” and “ God You Are ” last week it ' s been our highest streaming songs yet . It ' s just gone bonkers .
[ WM ] That ' s great .
[ Darren ] And we haven ' t put anything on it , except let the Lord use the songs .
[ WM ] Now , what ' s it like working with Cory Asbury ?
[ Darren ] He ' s great . I love Cory . He ' s so funny . He ' s a man who understands how ridiculous it is that Christians consider them ... or Christian artists consider themselves famous . He looks at that as the most non-sensical thing . His goal , again , is very much , " How am I going to introduce you to Jesus ?"
[ WM ] Good .
[ Darren ] “ How can I sing the most-true things I can about him ?” You know , Cory is the real deal .
[ WM ] So tell us about when are you going to start touring this album ? Do you know yet ?
[ Darren ] Yeah , it ' s plenty lined up . It ' s funny because we ' ve been hitting it hard . We ' ve been
God You Are home maybe 15 days in two and a half months .
[ WM ] So you ' ve already been touring out there ?
[ Darren ] Oh , we ' ve been going everywhere , bro . It ’ s been beautiful . But really come Fall ( as the album dropped October 15 th ). Then we go out , we finish some dates with Toby Mac and the Hits Deep Tour . Then we go out with Newsboys for the Fall . Then in the Spring we go out with another band . I can ' t tell who they are , but you ' re going to know them when we do . They ' re good , a good band . Then we go straight in the headlining tour .
[ WM ] Wow – that is a busy time ahead .
[ Darren ] Because our goal is not to run into a venue , play some songs , play the same style as the night before , say the same old words . Our goal is to really interact with whatever room , or crowd , or arena that we ' re in . So , every night needs to be different because the path to God is different each night . The people are different . I don ' t want to paint by numbers . You know , it ' s not the way I grew up .
32 October 2021 Subscribe for Free ...