Worship Musician Magazine October 2021 | Page 33

[ WM ] Groovy , I like it . Last question , tell us about your guitars ?
[ Darren ] Yeah dude , I got this beautiful little Fender Acoustasonic .
[ WM ] Okay . I know that one . Which one is it the Tele or the Jag shape ?
[ Darren ] Mine is the Tele shape . Well , what means to me is the actual straight up Tele sound that comes out of it . Because I was like , " Oh yeah , it ' s going to sound like a good acoustic guitar ." It ' s a beautiful acoustic guitar . But that Tele is as pure a Tele as I ' ve ever heard .
[ WM ] Right on .
[ Darren ] From a straight up wooden body , and ... Kyle , our guitar player , I forget which model it is , but he has most beautiful Deusy ( Duesenberg ) right now .
[ WM ] Yeah . I saw he ' s playing a Deusy . But I saw a video you ' re playing that looked like a custom guitar .
[ Darren ] Oh , that guitar . You need to know that guitar ?
[ WM ] Yes . ( laughing )
[ Darren ] That was custom . So , the acoustic was a Gopherwood , actually .
[ WM ] Okay . I know the Gopherwood brand .
[ Darren ] Korean company , great guys .
[ WM ] Yes .
[ Darren ] But there ' s another guitar I ' ve been playing a lot called EB Rooster .
[ WM ] Okay .
[ Darren ] And it ' s a Tele shape body , but it ' s a luthier made guitar out of Fairview , Tennessee . www . ebroosterguitars . com
[ WM ] Okay .
[ Darren ] And his son , Eric , died from a heroin overdose and he had a Mohawk . So , on the top of that guitar head there ' s a Mohawk and that ' s Eric . And when I came to America seven years ago , I couldn ' t afford a guitar . I had just , nothing . And that family gave me an acoustic guitar . And he said , " Eric never got to do it . He never got to make it . But maybe you can bring him with you ."
[ WM ] Wow .
[ Darren ] So , I would bring that guitar everywhere that we go acoustic . So when they did this electric guitar , I started taking that with me too . Because I wanted to take Eric on the road . And now that EB Rooster guitar with Eric is sitting in our studio down in Columbia , Kyle ' s place , and it ' s played by just hundreds of musicians coming in .
[ WM ] Wow . That ' s a great story .
[ Darren ] Yeah . I think everything has meaning , and you know the small things that people don ' t care about ? I think they ' re the big Jesus things .
[ WM ] There ' s redemption in it .
[ Darren ] Every little opportunity is redemption . October 2021 Subscribe for Free ... 33