Worship Musician Magazine October 2021 | Page 31

[ WM ] That ' s important .
[ Darren ] For me that ' s the most important part . Again , you think about Willie Nelson , Van Morrison … they don ' t have the world ’ s greatest voices , but they can tell stories .
[ WM ] Yes .
[ Darren ] So , yeah . Started doing that and ended up here somehow at the Washington State Fair in Puyallup talking with you . ( laughing )
[ WM ] All right . Well , tell us about the first song we ' re hearing on the radio , “ Come What May ”.
[ Darren ] Ah , yeah . So , it was a whole new season just for songs . I think during lockdown everyone ran to writing songs and I didn ' t . I probably took three or four months just to do Dad stuff and normal stuff . Because I didn ' t want to force songs that I had nothing to say on . So “ Come What May ”, I was driving one day to a writing session in Nashville . I had done an Instagram live that morning and I had said the words , " come what may ." Kind of in like a defined way , no matter what comes , I know who I am . I know who the King is , it ' s going to be all right .
And someone texted me and said , " You need to write a song called “ Come What May ”. So , that ' s what I did . But in the morning time before I had left , my wife was reading scripture and she said , " You should put Psalm 23 in a song ." And we very rarely directly quote scripture , very like sparingly … because I never want to use scripture for my gain .
But when we got to the bridge in the song we couldn ' t deny it was the right passage at the right time . So , it ' s about as close , I think , as we ' ve ever come to straight up kind of a worship moment . Like , you know what you call contemporary congregational worship ? see us , and we ' re rock and roll band . Love Jesus , we ' re sinners . Very messy , very broken . My goal is not to bring anyone to the throne room of heaven . They ' ve got to go there all by themselves . My goal is the introduction .
[ WM ] Gotcha .
[ Darren ] I want to introduce people to Jesus . And then from there let ' s see where the conversation brings us .
[ WM ] There ' s a couple of creative musician friends of mine I know that are kind of in a funk right now because this whole thing going on with COVID , and the pandemic , and all that . Any encouraging words you might have to say to some of your fellow musicians that might be feeling it a little bit more these days ?
[ WM ] Yes .
[ Darren ] Because , you know us and you ' ll Come What May
[ Darren ] I ' d say you ' re probably taking yourself too seriously , if you think that you ’ re not playing music , or singing songs … is the
October 2021 Subscribe for Free ... 31