Worship Musician Magazine May 2024 | Page 29

I interviewed you a couple years ago for the magazine . So , this is going to be an amazing thing . It ’ s going to be so surprising and fulfilling and God honoring to see what happens as a result of this movie coming out . I think we ’ ve only seen the tip of the iceberg . So , way to go .
[ David ] Well , actions speak louder than words . I ’ m going to encourage you to encourage your friends from church to come . I just want to read this to you , which I think sums up my life experience . Psalm 34 says , “ I ’ ll extol the Lord at all times . His praise will always be on my lips . I will glory in the Lord , let the afflicted hear and rejoice , glorify the Lord with me . Let us exalt his name together . I sought the Lord and he answered me . He delivered me from all my fears .”
That ’ s what happened to me , Alex , when I was weak , he was strong and I ’ m a crazy passionate follower of Jesus . And that ’ s what the movie documents , it ’ s basically based around my wife who is a hero for a woman to put up with me . But we ’ ve known each other well , we ’ ve known each other 53 years and started dating
52 years ago and married for 49 . Just wow , what a beautiful thing !
[ WM ] Thank you for this time , David .
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