Worship Musician Magazine May 2024 | Page 28

He ’ s my strong-willed son . And I think being a student of me to play me , he has become a bit more generous . And I wonder maybe because he ’ s never been through it . He had a struggle starting off as an artist and nobody being interested in town and that type of stuff . It ’ s the normal artist thing which I think is healthy . I think when an artist gets a deal too quickly , they don ’ t necessarily appreciate it . It took a while , took them four or five years to get the right deal . And it took somebody outside of Christian music , a guy called Mark Bright who ’ s a bit of a hero and came out of country music . He produced Carrie Underwood and founded Rascal Flatts and Otto Price who used to be with DC Talk , took him a demo and he just loved it . And Warner Brothers signed us 12 or 13 years ago and the rest is history .
But isn ’ t that interesting ? Yeah . It took somebody body out of our genre to see the potential . The issue that Christian music has with For King & Country is they sing in parables . They ’ re not a worship band . So our lyrics are not vertical . And even as we speak some of the radio stations , because the song “ Unsung Hero ” is not a vertical song , even though biblical marriage is biblical and God honoring , some of the stations are saying , “ Oh , we ’ re not sure . It ’ s not a vertical song . I wonder whether we should play it ?” And so , we will talk to them and hopefully they ’ ll take into account that actions speak louder than words and we ’ re honoring women . There ’ s a reason for the Me Too movement , it is because the culture wasn ’ t honoring women . And we try and do that . That ’ s why we did the movie . Priceless , in a funny kind of way because we wanted women to know that they ’ re priceless . We view them as priceless .
[ WM ] Maybe the radio stations will do a Mother ’ s Day promotional campaign and your song can be within that framework , and then they ’ ll see ? It ’ s about faith not format . Right ? I ’ ll close this down by saying I ’ m so excited for what ’ s going to happen with this movie . I ’ m so excited because I ’ ve been hearing bits and pieces of this for the last couple of years since
28 May 2024 Subscribe for Free ...