Worship Musician Magazine May 2023 | Page 19

that . This year we had Bob Bennett as our musical guest again and Pastor Holland Davis ( Calvary Chapel San Clemente ) as our guest speaker . We had the largest group yet ! It was a great time in the Lord .
NAMM offers TEC Tracks for teaching opportunities on a slew of different topics . We have been presenting workshops there for over ten years . Our own Doug Doppler led five different panel workshops for us under the Worship Musician Summit moniker . Those were well attended , too .
For the last three years , I have added the Pre- NAMM Hang to the list of what we present . I rent a venue off-site and invite Christian artists , worship leaders , church sound techs , and musicians to come and “ hang out ” with us the night before the convention starts . We had 21 sponsor companies gathered there in an A & R Meet n ’ Greet type of setting . The sponsors displayed their new products and met new friends . This year we were at The Colony House in Anaheim , and it was a blast . We had Doyle Dykes play as well — amazing !
L-R Doug Doppler and panelists Norm Stockton , Tom Brooks & Michael Hodge
Before the Pre-NAMM Hang begins at night , we set up our [ WM ] Worship Musician booth earlier in the day ( along with our sister publication ,
The lull before the storm - [ WM ] & Collectible Guitar magazine booth
Ergonomic ?
Stevie Wonder and his entourage stop in our booth ’ s aisle .
May 2023 Subscribe for Free ... 19