gear from us . This was all through the late 70s and the entire 80s , and a bunch of iconic gear was made during this timeframe , from synths to guitars . Knowing what I know now , I should have bought boxes of Ibanez Tube Screamers and buried them in my backyard . Ha !
I had four years after that where I attended representing other publishing companies ( a bit of a wilderness season for me ), and now for the last 27 years , I have been attending NAMM as the publisher of my own magazines ( God is so faithful !).
Over the years , my relationship with NAMM leadership has grown . I co-founded the NAMM Night of Worship there for the first eight years ( remember , this is a mainstream event and can be quite dark at times , so a night of worship was quite a wonderful light to shine ).
I went to NAMM again and asked if I could start the Worship Musician ’ s Chapel , an early morning time of fellowship for believers there next door at the Hilton Hotel , and I was granted
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