out how to come up with really good guitar tone out of the POD . It was more of a problemsolving goal . Like , " Hey , if I could do this with this , that ' d be cool ." So , I was really determined to do it . And I made this commitment to myself that was , " I ' m going to stay occupied with things that are productive and healthy ."
And that was the general commitment I made to myself . I ' m not bashing anybody who bingewatched Netflix . I get it , and I did a little bit of that . I got exposed to COVID . I didn ' t get it . Thank God ! I had to quarantine in my studio for two weeks , sleeping on the floor with stacks of cabs . It was funny . It would have been my dream life when I was 19 . And now I was crying about it because I couldn ' t see my family . So I did some binge-watching ... I thought , " Well , I ' m in here for two weeks ." So at night , I would make myself dinner , and then I ' d watch a show . But I went , " Oh , there ' s got to be something else I can do ?"
Perfect Love
So I actually practiced guitar while I watched the show , just not plugged in . And I realized I hadn ' t practiced . I haven ' t practiced my guitar in years , which sounds pathetic . But I would only play when I played , and life gets busy , and it gets away from me .
But it was a good opportunity for us to take the time to be purposeful about going , " God , what do you want to do in me through the season ?" And letting God do His work . So as hard as that was , I ' m thankful for it . And hopefully , it ' ll mean good things moving forward .
[ WM ] Good . You ' re a transparent and honest guy about things . I appreciate that . Hey , so let ' s talk about the new Perfect Love record . That ' s what we all need right about now . But you had this album done ... pretty much wrapped before the pandemic hit didn ’ t you ?
[ Lincoln ] Yes , we finished it maybe six weeks before .
[ WM ] And then with everything just stopped , you just had to put it on ice ? What was the decision to hold off , then ? Because you didn ' t know how long this thing was going to last ? What were your thoughts , then ? That would be a hard thing to do with a new record in your pocket .
[ Lincoln ] It was literally supposed to come out the first week of May . So I ' m literally releasing an album into the pandemic . No one knew ... There were so many unknowns . I ' m sure if
X O ’ Connor and Norm Stockton