Worship Musician Magazine March 2023 | Page 13

here in Sweden , but just all over the world . We did the Vision Sunday last weekend , and we sang , and in German , in Spanish and in French and in Portuguese and in Swedish . You know it ’ s just been such an anthem and we ’ ve been waiting for the world to hear this song , and we just feel it is something special with this song . It brings faith to the church service , and it just changes the atmosphere . So that ’ s our hope and our prayer about that . And it ’ s gotta be our focus track for when we released the album . So , we ’ ve been waiting , we ’ ve been sitting on it , but we ’ re really excited for the world to hear about it .
[ WM ] Good . Well , what are your instruments of choice when you lead worship ?
[ Jonatan ] So it will be acoustic guitar and singing . And then sometimes I play the piano . But Eric makes fun of me because I can only play the white notes . ( laughs )
[ WM ] What kind of guitar do you prefer ?
[ Jonatan ] I love Martin guitars . I have two of them . I have an HD28 , and then a 000-17 . They ’ re a bit different ; a small one and a big one . Actually , a funny thing happened when we were in Nashville just a couple of weeks ago . Me and Eric and Hannah , along some others , were doing a recording for Worship Together . And we were doing a couple of these songs and we were also doing “ Cornerstone ”. And just before I wanted to change the strings just to make sure everything sounded nice , I broke the high ‘ E ’ string , not the dark ‘ E ’ string , but the other one . ( laughs ). And it was just minutes before recording , and I ’ ve just realized when we started practicing , I don ’ t use that string . It ’ s even easier to play without it . And since I haven ’ t put that string on . ( laughs ) So my 000- 17 is a five-string guitar , and the other one is a six string . And I love it !
[ WM ] And that ’ s why you don ’ t use the black keys ?
[ Jonatan ] ( laughs ) Exactly !
[ WM ] Eric , how about you ? I ’ ve seen you on keyboards on some videos .
[ Eric ] Not to be too serious , but like , I actually got saved by the piano . Like I was suicidal , but I got saved . That ’ s for another time maybe , but I got saved by the piano . I use a NORD Stage . It ’ s Swedish . They ’ ve been kind to us and I love ,
I just love it , the NORD Stage .
[ WM ] So let ’ s end up with this question . What are your hopes and dreams for this project ?
[ Joanatan ] I ’ ll start first , then you go , Eric . I think as a songwriter , I just realized that it is to put prayers to people ’ s seasons because that ’ s how I feel . Like some of my favorite worship songs , I mean , Matt Redman ’ s , “ Heart of Worship ”, is one of those songs . I always come back to even “ Cornerstone ”, which is one of my favorite songs , and so many songs out of Joel Houston . And Chris Davenport has been so helpful for me during seasons where I might not even be able to put words to some of my prayers . And then , some amazing songwriters who are prophetic and they ’ re close to God write stuff that for some reason fits so perfectly in the season where I am . So , in a way , my longing is to put that back to the local church , our church . Because in our church , I know people are going through seasons where they need to sing stuff , and hopefully I can be a part of putting words to their prayer … getting them closer . And I mean , that ’ s ultimately the prayer for this project . I mean it is to help people getting closer to God . And hopefully we ’ re able to put words for someone ’ s season that is where they
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