Worship Musician Magazine June 2023 | Page 9

And that ’ s how I met my previous manager and he started developing me as an artist . So , it was a pretty quick turnaround after my brother passed away and I started to go to Nashville and all of that . So that ’ s kind of the summarized version . Then I eventually signed a record deal in 2019 with Capital Christian Music Group .
And I started writing in 2019 , so now often it ’ ll be six years next week since Jacob passed away . It ’ s been a really crazy six years , but God has been really good through all of it .
[ WM ] Right . Amen . You know , I was trying to put myself in your shoes and I ’ m sure that many of the music artists that you and your brother were music fans of , now you ’ ve actually met them , even shared the stage with them . I ’ m sure Jacob ’ s proud of you . What is one of those that you think he ’ d be most excited about that you ’ ve had a chance to meet so far ?
[ Anne ] Well , my brother was a really big country music fan . He loved country , so it was kind of cute . Like my parents always had Christian radio in the car and my Mom and Dad only listened to Christian music . But my brother loved old country , old rock , old blues … all that kind of stuff . So we would be in the car together driving , but this is a really special story . When I decided to do a song this last Christmas of 2022 called “ The Manger ”, we decided that Josh Turner was gonna be the feature on the song . And my sister called me the night before we were going into the music video and she
was like , “ Who are you doing this song with again ?” And I said , “ Josh Turner ”. And all I heard on the other side of the phone was her crying her eyes out . And she said , “ That was Jacob ’ s favorite artist of all time ”. And I had no idea at that moment that was my brother ’ s favorite artist . And so that was a really cool moment of God kind of working everything to good and me seeing the full circle of things . So , I would say that Jacob would be the most excited about Josh Turner . ( laughing )
[ WM ] Right on . That ’ s great . Now because you ’ re so open and honest about what you ’ ve gone through with Jacob ’ s loss , they ’ re probably a lot of your music fans out there that feel comfortable telling you their stories either on social media or after concerts and things . What do you usually say to them when you ’ re talking to someone else that ’ s gone through some kind of a tragic loss like yourself ?
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