Worship Musician Magazine June 2023 | Page 10

[ Anne ] I always try to encourage them , you know , that God has a plan in it . I think like in our own human little tiny brains , if we can realize that God has the world in His hands and that He knows what ’ s coming then , you know , tomorrow , the next day and the next day , I think it eases us to a certain extent to know that we don ’ t have to worry about that and we don ’ t have to carry the weight of that . So , I always remind people of that especially have gone through lots … to hold tight , it ’ s all gonna be okay . God has a plan in it and if you can just surrender your pain and suffering to Him , he ’ s gonna bless you for that and he ’ s gonna be with you through all of it . I just try to be really open and honest with people , but also not pushing aside the grief and the heartache of it all .
[ WM ] Yes , there ’ s always a balance there . I tell people when they ’ re going through physical chalenges , I remind them that it ’ s the Lord who numbers our days , and not doctors . And that it ’ s always a well-placed trust when you place your trust in the Lord . That is what I have learned , you know ?
[ Anne ] Absolutely .
[ WM ] Hey , so let ’ s talk a little bit about the video of this song “ June 7 th ”. It ’ s a great way that you and your family found to honor Jacob , and even filming it on the family farm in Kentucky . You went to several spots on the farm where you guys would hang out and there are some strong emotional elements in the video for you and your family in it . Was that a bittersweet video shoot for you guys ? That must have been kind of intense .
[ Anne ] Oh goodness . It was intense . That was a real hard day for me , but I chose … I chose it . I called my team when I wrote the song and I said , “ Guys , we have got to make a video on this song and we have got to make it at the farm ”. This is probably one of the projects I was the most passionate about and involved in creatively . Normally my team and I , we do it together , but I needed to be very involved . I was the one that suggested the farm and I just
thought like , as hard as it ’ s gonna be , I think it ’ s going to hopefully bring the healing to people . And so it was that bittersweet thing . It was definitely hard , but the end result of the video was worth it , and I think it kind of healed me and my family in a sense . So I ’ m really , I ’ m really glad we got to do it there .
[ WM ] That ’ s great . The grave scene was especially touching when you see the grave site . So thank you for doing that . I do think it ’ ll speak to people . Switching topics here from something heavy to lighter … we like to talk about musical instruments in our interviews because after all , we are Worship Musician magazine . I see you playing a Martin acoustic on stage . Is that a 00-18 ? Tell us about your guitar .
[ Anne ] Okay , well , I ’ m gonna be honest , my guitar playing is not the greatest . ( laughing ) I ’ ve only been playing guitar for about two or three years now . My uncle actually had that guitar and he gave it to me . So I ’ m not exactly sure what the specific model it is . But I love that guitar and it ’ s my favorite . I ’ m like trying to get more into it . I actually grew up playing the piano classically and so that ’ s my main instrument that a lot of people don ’ t realize I still play . But I do love the guitar and I ’ m hoping to continue to get better at it . ( laughing )
[ WM ] Well , that model Martin is a smaller guitar too , so with your smaller stature that that works , you know ? It ’ s not like a big dreadnaught that you ’ d be hiding behind and not seen by anyone . ( laughing )
[ Anne ] Yes .
[ WM ] Okay , last question here . There always
Anne Wilson - Seventh Of June seems to be a balance of life between holding onto the past with one hand yet reaching forward to the future with the other . What are your upcoming plans ?
[ Anne ] I ’ m actually writing my next record right now , which has kind of been my focus for the last couple months . I ’ m super excited about these songs . It ’ s gonna be a little bit before they come out but getting to write a new record at 21 years old , versus writing my last one at 17 , is a completely different thing and feels very healing .
And so I ’ ve been writing all types of really beautiful songs and God ’ s just been giving me a lot of ideas and inspiration . I think that ’ s my biggest thing . But I ’ m also , announcing a fall tour . I am doing a headline tour with Josh Baldwin this fall and I ’ m super excited about it . It ’ s gonna be so much fun . I ’ m gonna be touring my record My Jesus and getting a chance to play some of those recorded songs that I never really get to play for people live . So that ’ s probably what I ’ m most excited about , just getting the chance to get back on the road and do my own tour for the first time ever .
[ WM ] Right on . Do you have like a good home church for you there in Nashville so you can stay plugged in when you ’ re not touring ?
[ Anne ] Yes . Church of the City .
[ WM ] I have been there for a conference before and several of my musician friends go there .
[ Anne ] That is where a lot of artists go . I think it ’ s a great , great church and a really good community .
[ WM ] Thanks again for this time Anne – Lord bless ya !
[ Anne ] Thank you !
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