Worship Musician Magazine June 2023 | Page 8

for us . My parents were absolutely devastated and obviously me and my sister were as well . And so from that moment on , I knew in my heart we had to trust God and we had to cling to our faith like never before because God was the only one that was gonna get us through . And so the next day after my brother passed away , I was downstairs at the piano . I was literally just worshiping God . Like in my intimate moment , I thought nobody was in the house , nobody was hearing me . And I was singing “ What a Beautiful Name ” by Hillsong . That was the only song that I sang during that whole probably sixmonth season after my brother passed away . I don ’ t know why . I don ’ t know what it was about that song when I just clung to it . And I think it was like the surrender of worshiping God in the midst of pain … I just knew I needed to do . So I was sitting down worshiping and my Mom comes in the room and she ’ s crying her eyes out and she said , “ I had no idea that you could sing . I ’ ve never heard you sing before ”. And I was like , “ well Mom , I ’ m just worshiping God right now . I ’ m not trying to sing . So she ended up asking me if I would be willing to sing at my brother ’ s funeral , which was a hard , hard thing to think about doing . But I felt like God was just like , “ Yes , you ’ ve gotta do it .”
And so I sang “ What a Beautiful Name ” at my brother ’ s funeral . That was the first time that anybody in my extended family or even close family had ever heard me sing before . And that was the first time seeing me in public . And so I knew in that moment , I walked up on stage and I sat down at the piano and I remember hearing God say to me word for word and this is what I am calling you to do . I ’ m calling you to
“ What a Beautiful Name ” praise and worship my name . Wow . And it was crazy . It was one of those moments like in your walk with God that you ’ re like , it ’ s just … it ’ s just as a final moment . And I remember , you know , just feeling like the presence of God . And I was like , okay , like this is it . And so , I go through the song and then I finish up and I remember leaving the funeral thinking about the loss of my brother and also thinking , “ What in the world just happened ? I ’ m gonna do music ”.
And I think that gave me enough hope to keep going because I knew that God was calling me to something and I knew if I ’ m still on this earth , I still have a mission here , you know ? And so that was like a moment that was really funny for me .
And then that kind of led on to me posting the video of the song that I did at the funeral . I posted a video on YouTube and that video went viral . 8 June 2023 Subscribe for Free ...