more from the piano . As far as gear , I can get as nerdy as you ’ d like , cause I ’ m definitely a gear nerd . ( laughing ) I have a Blue Ridge acoustic guitar . It ’ s like an orchestra model . And then I have what I call , my Franken PE ( laughing ), which is sort of like a compilation of a vintage Telecaster neck and then a Relic Squire body and some vintage noiseless pickups . I just kinda put something together with that one . I was like , well , I can ’ t afford a really nice guitar , but if I get all the pieces put together , I know I can get this thing to sound pretty good . So , those are my main two guitars . As far as recording , I have a Universal Audio Apollo . I just got the new x8 . I ’ m a pretty simple guy ; I use Shure SM7B ’ s and SM57 ’ s and Pro Tools . And , I would say I can ’ t live without Key Scape . Give me a little Baha reverb and Waves plugins , and I ’ m a happy guy .
[ WM ] That ’ s all you need right there . What is your personal approach to songwriting ? And I ’ d love to know what the process of co-writing looks like for you .
[ Chris ] Yeah , I mean I kind of view my personal writing as preparation for co-writing , you know ? I used to not be a very good cowriter . I used to be very territorial and maybe even borderline combative , like too cool for school when it came to co-writing . But I think eventually I started realizing that all the writers that I really looked up to , were such excellent co-writers . They had learned that language .
I will always say , for me , songwriting is like working my faith out in real time . It ’ s one of the only places where I really feel authentic and real and safe to feel at home , you know ? And so , I think I kind of like to think of writing and worship as sort of my native tongue . And so when I get into that space I ’ m able to put everything on
Cody Carnes , Chris Davenport , Brandon Lake
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