more . Hearing the words of worship and what God has done for others can soften a heart and help them see their need for him . You can see that worship is more than just singing a song but is helping the worshipper make a connection with God .
With those thoughts in mind , participating in the worship ministry of a church is not to be taken lightly nor organized at the last minute . Some churches have full-time worship pastors who are given the responsibility to ensure that congregations have the opportunity to take part in a meaningful time of connecting with God . However , the part-time worship leader has the same responsibilities as a full-time staff pastor . They need to take the role seriously .
In most churches , the worship set takes place before the teaching of the Word of God . Others may have a time of response after the message and the order of service isn ’ t written in stone . It does need to coincide with the vision of the church and how the leadership wishes to reach the congregation and community . What we do know is that in the Gospel of John , Jesus said that worship must be “ in the Spirit and in truth ”
( John 4:23 ). The truth can only be found in the Bible , so anyone participating in the worship service — whether onstage or off — needs to be a student of the Word . Remember this as we look at the roles available on a worship team .
An important note is that when I use the phrase worship team , I ’ m including everyone who contributes onstage and offstage . Those sitting in the sound booth whose job is to ensure a good mix and levels of vocals and instrumentation are as important to the team as the up-front leader . The same goes for the camera and media crew . In some church environments , the experience of worshipping in spirit and truth cannot take place without these important roles being carried out .
TOURING MINISTRY The next section describes tour ministry and the roles that are involved . This includes the artist and their role along with the crew that may travel on the tour . Later , we will discuss the role of the promoter and those responsible for putting the event together . The key roles will be identified along with what they do and the skills and talents needed for each one . As you are reading these chapters , something may stand out to make you think , “ I can do that ” or “ I would like to do that .”
As with the worship ministry , this may include required training or classes that can be taken , ideas on how to gain experience and where it may come from . Keep in mind that if being involved in Christian touring music is your calling , God will make known to you what he would have you do as you actively seek it . God will open doors and make opportunities appear that you never realized before . Keep your eyes wide open and be sensitive to the leading of his Spirit .
CHRISTIAN MUSIC AS A CAREER Believing you are called to make Christian music a career is simply letting it become your sole support for yourself and your family . When I do career coaching , the discussion comes up about making a hobby a business . In this case , it ’ s making serving in a ministry a career .
Some may think that working in the Christian business world is not ministry . However , anything we do that gets the gospel out
Photo by Nathan Nichols on Unsplash
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