of leading but also the discipleship and the imparting . As a leader stepping into this Christmas show , what are some of the lessons you learned that you are going to be sharing with your teams in this coming season ?
[ Chris ] To be honest with you , I made a mistake this year . I personally try to be a really regimented guy with all of these things . But I went to a campus , and the campus was preparing for their Christmas experience . They were on their second-to-last rehearsal . So , I went to this campus to see how they were coming along with things . They just were behind to be honest with you . And basically , I thought that , for the good of the church , I needed to take over that rehearsal . That I needed to get them to the finish line with the songs and the blocking and the parts . I had a team of people with me , so I have one guy taking over the tracks , and another guy taking over the soundboard and running front of house , and
I ’ m up there blocking and working transitions with the people .
And we got to the nine-o ’ clock point , which was the time for them to be done and I kind of patted myself . I thought it would have been terrible if we weren ’ t there . So , I prayed for them and walked out and got in the car with my team , and thought they would have never made it without us .
The next day I get a call from the campus pastor and from the worship director telling me how I took over their service . I made them feel like they weren ’ t a team . I belittled them by thinking that we hadn ’ t given them time to get things together and it just tuned into this massive deal … while the whole time I was thinking I ’ m saving Christmas for them .
In reality and in retrospect , what I should have done is provided these resources to them , which we did leading up , and then I should have had someone go there that had more of a weekly relationship with them . I shouldn ’ t have come in as the big bad central guy that knew everything and took over . I just never thought from their lens . They saw these guys coming in from the main campus and they forgot how to talk and walk , and I should never have put them in that scenario . And I think I did belittle the worship leader at that campus , because it was nothing intentional on my part , but I basically took over his job thinking it was the eleventh hour to get that team to the finish line . And some good things came out of that rehearsal , they added several extra rehearsals and they had a great Christmas service and things came together , but at a high cost .
So , moving forward I ’ m personally thinking about my leadership position and different people out at campuses that don ’ t see me everyday , and they might have a different