Worship Musician Magazine January 2021 | Page 39

part as some other device is playing the track , you know a lot of these things are free , its just doing it . We take a lot of steps to make sure every campus is as prepared as possible going into the Christmas season . In addition to the resourcing we do weekly calls on Zoom with each of them , we ’ re playing through the songs , were talking through different things , and as you get closer and closer to the service you get more nit picky .
So , you ’ re no longer talking about how to play the songs , you ’ re talking about the transitions from song to song . The average rehearsal for us , let ’ s say it ’ s an hour rehearsal , you play through the three or four songs one time , you ’ re done with that portion of the rehearsal in fifteen minutes . You spend the next thirty minutes working on the transitions . How are you getting from song to song , how are you getting from song to pastor , from pastor back into the song . How are you getting through these little moments , transitions are what really make a great service happen . So all of that is wound up into Christmas .
[ WM ] Process is not dependent on the size of your church , it ’ s dependent on the size of your strategy . What are some strategies you have to offer to churches of all sizes to be able to pull off the kinds of things you just described ?
[ Chris ] As a leader one of the things that I ’ ve learned over the last several years is that you really have to resource well . Next level . You can ’ t expect your drummer , singer or guitar player to just show up at the same level you ’ re at , you really need to help them as much as possible . We call them our ‘ Dream Team ”, our volunteers . I have to realize that they are working a nine to five job , they have kids , they have a lot of other things going on in life , and they are not paid . So my job is to make things as easy as possible for them . So , if I was a worship leader at a smaller church I would really dive into the resourcing , particularly with Planning Center , and make sure that … not the night before but three weeks before … that the worship set is up and all of the parts are up . The things that will make it as easy as possible to have a great experience in your rehearsal . Those are the type of things that really lead to quality . It ’ s like a football team , it ’ s not what the team is doing on Sunday , it ’ s how they ’ ve prepared during the week that is really going to give that first-class Sunday experience .
[ WM ] Part of leading is not just the experience
January 2021 Subscribe for Free ... 39