immediately ran and got my phone and wrote that in there . And I think that most of it I later wrote on a plane .
On the way home , just in my mind . It was one of those things , I mean , you can ’ t even sing loud in a plane , obviously . But it was just one of those things , all whole , the rest of it just came . But I felt like it was a gift for that season . Even when it wasn ’ t done , I would sing it at every worship time . Like when I would travel , I would sing it at every worship service that I was at , because I felt like it was a song for the season . It was a song to remind us that even in all this mess , even in all the Covid stuff , even all the craziness , that He ’ s going to work it out for our good , if we let Him . And so , it ’ s just felt like a message for now .
[ WM ] Yeah . It ’ s definitely a different flavor , a flavor that I love . And when I first heard it , I thought , my goodness , Meredith wrote this ? ( laughter ). So , is there a single moment , song , or recording , that you can point to that changed your life with respect to worship ?
[ Meredith ] One moment now , there ’ s lots of moments I ’ ve had in worship that have changed my life . But I will say that I had a song , related to a song , that has changed my life and changed the way that I write songs from then on . And it was from a dream , and the song is on my album . It ’ s called “ Adoration ”. It ’ s been previously recorded , but I put it back on there because of how much it impacted me .
So in my dream , I walk off the stage of The UPPERROOM . My Mom meets me and says , “ Meredith , that song you were singing .” And I was like , what song was I singing ? And in my dream , the lyrics , I went back to try to remember
For My Good what I ’ d been singing , and the lyrics came alive . And all of a sudden I saw Jesus and He was staring at a woman who was gaunt and sickly and like dressed in rags . And she was looking everywhere else for somebody to love her . And Jesus was weeping , just like with this passion towards her life . If she ’ ll just turn to Me , I will feed her , I will clothe her in the finest robes . I will give her the best food . I will take care of her .
And I was weeping because I was seeing the purity of Jesus knowing He deserved the best , yet He was after her , and He was after this bride that was turned away a different direction . And I was so moved , I was crying when I woke up . Next day , I went to church , somebody came up
and said , “ I feel like you ’ re going to get songs from your dreams .” I was like , “ What ?”.
I ended up going into my little prayer room the next day and I started just writing , “ For the tears You wept for those You long to gather , for the passion , for Your bride that looked away . For Your mercy that you ’ ve given up ”. It just like came alive . And I mean , I was weeping when I was writing it . And my husband actually walked in at the time . I was like , I finally got the words to this song . I was like crying . He was like , hmm , maybe you should share it when you ’ re not crying so hard . He couldn ’ t even tell what I was singing . But it changed the way , because I wanted to write songs that will turn our eyes to