anthem . So , it ’ s neat , on the other side of it to get to sing that together with Ellysa , seeing the fruit of the process of us laying those things down and seeing God meeting us on the other side of it . So , it ’ s been a beautiful , beautiful process .
[ WM ] And the song , “ You Gave ”, was also released as a single . What can you tell us about that song ?
[ Meredith ] Yeah , same , a similar situation with that song . Abbie and I wrote it together from The UPPERROOM . And we were just talking about the beauty , especially right now , the beauty of Jesus being willing to associate with us in our mess , you know ?
Like He wasn ’ t ashamed to be with us when we were a mess . And that blows me away , that he ’ s not like , “ Oh , if somebody sees me with them , they ’ re going to associate me ”. He didn ’ t worry about that .
He met them in their mess . And when you have that revelation of like the beauty of His forgiveness in the midst of your mess , it ’ s like , you can ’ t help but respond with , like Mary would , you know ? With that guttural cry where she ’ s tearing , just tears at his feet , just going all beautiful at His feet of the one who saved me .
I feel like I wrote that song and had some revelation of it . And then later , in a different season , it came alive on a whole other level . You know , I feel like sometimes songs become prophecies that are for another time .
And so when I was writing it , I don ’ t feel like I had full understanding . I , God gained a whole other understanding through another situation
You Gave where I was like Jesus is so faithful to be my Savior when I need it most .
[ WM ] Boy , without that revelation of realizing that you ’ re a mess , you ’ re just singing songs . John Wimber used to say , “ Never trust a man that doesn ’ t walk with a limp ”. Without that personal revelation we really can ’ t have empathy or compassion for others .
[ Meredith ] That ’ s so true .
[ WM ] I love your next single , “ For My Good ”. What a memorable Gospel song ! As a co-writer of the song , have you listened to much Gospel music over the years ?
[ Meredith ] Yeah . This is a funny one , because I have not listened to a ton of gospel music . And the funny thing is , I was , in 2020 standing in my kitchen , right before everything went down , or right when Covid started . And I was making breakfast . I ’ m not thinking about songwriting , not singing anything in my head and that ( singing ) dropped into my head , surprised me , literally surprised me . It was that ’ s so not a melody I write … it ’ s so not my typical lane .
Everybody has kind of a typical pattern of what they write . And I ’ m very much more like 6 / 8 , Celtic , like lots of , you know .
So it ’ s so not me , that it shocked me . And I