Worship Musician Magazine August 2022 | Page 26

Jesus . That will get our eyes fixed on who He is and what He ’ s done for us .
So many songs talk about what we need . So many songs talk about what we ’ re going to do for God , all these other things , which are great , and there ’ s no problem with them . But there ’ s something about those songs that just look at Him and say , you are so good , you are so amazing . You ’ ve done this for me , you ’ ve done this . And so , it ’ s just created a passion for me to write songs from that place .
[ WM ] What are your hopes for The Turning ?
[ Meredith ] These songs , every single one of them , have been songs that have been my prayer room songs . They ’ ve been songs that I have had either an encounter with the Lord on , or like walked through a season with Him on . And so , within that , I feel like I ’ m just meant to release it and let the Lord do what He wants to do with it . My offering is to Him and to let the Lord do ... Hopefully , it becomes a highway for other people to encounter as well . That would be my hope , is that it becomes a highway for others to have the same encounter .
[ WM ] Is there a question that you wish I had asked but did not ?
[ Meredith ] Oh , good question . Well , not necessarily . I mean , I think I love the question what would you tell other writers or other worship leaders who are wanting to start off right now ? And I think the answer that I would give is just don ’ t despise your hidden seasons . Your hidden seasons with the Lord are where you grow deep roots .
Those are the roots that sustain you when you do have a tree that has fruit , that it doesn ’ t topple over because it doesn ’ t have a root system . Or when storms come , then you still have root system that is able to sustain you through the hard times .
And so to not want to be in it , the limelight , before the Lord is placing you there . Don ’ t long for the platforms whenever you don ’ t have the root system with the Lord that will sustain you when you ’ re there . Because I always tell my worship leaders exposure exposes . It exposes the good things , and it exposes the yuck stuff . So , you don ’ t want to be there before the Lord wants you to be there .
[ WM ] Meredith , you are a delight to visit with . Thank you so much for your many contributions to the Body of Christ . It ’ s just great to see you .
[ Meredith ] Cool . Thank you , I so enjoyed this . Well , I thank you so much , and for all that you ’ ve done too . I mean , you ’ ve been here at Capitol and all the things , you ’ ve seen a lot . And I always appreciate when that person is still a believer and still doing the work that the Lord ’ s called them to . So , it ’ s awesome . 26 August 2022 Subscribe for Free ...