Worship Musician June 2019 | Page 41

that they’re the only one they’ll ever be, and [Mallary] That’s great, and that’s so true. me walking through with the faith that He that God has a plan for their lives. God gave me everything that I had ever set was in control. And it doesn’t matter what the out to get, He opened every door that I asked outcome is, it doesn’t matter how many CDs I So, I just try to use that every day really, and Him to. But I had to see for myself that it’s sell of this album, because I believe that He’s when I start to feel those lies from the enemy not about all of these things that I want, the doing the work. I may never even know what coming into my brain I just say, “No, God has earthly possessions, the earthly accolades, the it was until I stand before Him, you know? And made me for a plan and you’re not going to success that I had maybe set for myself. It’s that’s okay, but you have to get to that place try and convince me that I’m worthless”. not about that, it’s about what He’s going to of contentment in your heart, and I really am Hopefully people will hear that in the song and use me for to help other people. When I come there. And I have to say, God, if your plan for be encouraged. to that place of knowing that my life is out of me is simply to sing at my Dad’s little church my hands, and my life is up to God and I’m every Sunday for maybe a hundred people, if [WM] There’s definitely a balance between just being used for His glory, there’s just such a that’s where you want to use me then I need understanding who we really are in Christ place of peace. I truly have never been happier you to change my heart to be content with and feeling good about ourselves without in my life, and I’ve been doing music my entire that. Because this was four or five years ago, becoming narcissistic. We need to not only feel life. But it’s because I did get to this place of and I said that right now my heart wants to comfortable in who we are, but also in what we saying, “Okay Lord, I’ve been driving my car be winning awards and playing arenas, but I are called to do. When we consider that what and my career, but I drove it into the ditch! I know that you can change that for me. And He matters most is our calling, not our career, a need You to take the wheel, literally, Jesus take did, and that’s where I’m at now, and I think huge burden is lifted from our shoulders. the wheel!” I’m going to get in the back seat it’s important for people to get to that place Lowering our expectations and at the same and let you do the driving. and you’ll just be at peace, and you’ll live a life time believing for the best that God has for according to Gods will. us, is a key to our successful calling. Can you I went from knocking down doors to standing comment on this? back and letting God open doors, and then June 2019 [WM] Sometimes God says “no” to us in our Subscribe for Free... 41