prayer life, but we have to believe that because way I’ll write the best songs. (laughs) Because [Mallary] I think that’s amazing, and you’re
He so often says, “yes”, that the “no” is for a when I was angry, I tended to write some really going to have to explain that big word
pretty good reason. Have you experienced good songs. But yeah, I think that tragedy or (compendium) because I’m from Georgia, I’m
this? any other thing that we have to go through as not from California dude! (laughs) When I wrote
human beings inspires us to write things that “3:16”, I wrote that with my friends Luke Brown
[Mallary] Yes, I’ve experienced more no’s than help other people. And I think that’s what we’re and Tony Wood. Tony Wood is an amazing
yes’s, but that’s okay because I’ve experienced all here to do - to encourage each other. I love songwriter in the Christian world, he’s written
the lessons that I was supposed to learn. I that verse, I can’t think of what it is, but I think it some of the biggest songs that we’ve ever
know how my heart is programmed, so I know was Paul talking about how tribulations inspire had the privilege of hearing. That song came
that my tendencies are to go, “Oh poor pitiful character, character inspires perseverance, and because I had texted both of my co-writers
me, they don’t like me, blah blah blah”. But it’s I think that’s true even today. We go through saying, “Hey guys, looking forward to our write
not that, God says no for a reason. He wants to things and they teach us how to get back up on today, we’re starting at 3:16 right?” It was a
protect our heart. Or sometimes He says yes to our feet and how to help someone else. typo, I meant to put 3:15 (in the afternoon). Tony
things we don’t need just so we can learn that
said, “3:16, Ha Ha. That should be the song we
lesson and get to the place of saying, “Okay [WM] There is a tremendous responsibility write.” So, it really came from my thumbs being
God, you gave me this but I’m miserable, so as a Christian songwriter to communicate too fat and I hit the 6 instead of the 5.
can I trade it for something?”(laughs) “truth” to all who listen. Your new project is a wonderful compendium of sing-able “pop”, [WM]
I think it’s okay to admit that we go through country, folk, and even danceable and uplifting morning worship songs should not merely
those lessons. I always say I can’t imagine truths. The song, “3:16 (No Greater Love)” is be
going through life and not knowing the Lord, a clever play on the scripture reference, and is include songs that are sometimes “sung
and just depending on or believing that life will not only encouraging, but an admonishment as over” a congregation for healing, comfort,
just work out. At least I can believe that there well! Can you tell us about that song? communication
is someone who has my best interest at heart, reassurances of His eternal character. Out of
and He knows the outcome of everyday and I My Hands has some wonderful songs that fit
can put my faith in Him. this profile: “Lay It Down (At the Feet of Jesus)”,
“Home to The Water”, “My God”, “Yours” and
[WM] Many times, hardship is at the core of “Pray with You” all deserve a chance to be
some of our finest inspirational moments. John introduced as special music within the church.
Wimber said that we should “never trust a man How do you feel about this?
that doesn’t walk with a limp”. Has the “limp”
in your life enabled you to search out lyrics and
3:16-No Greater Love
melodies from a deeper place?
[Mallary] I agree with you on those songs,
especially “Lay It Down”. We play “Lay It Down”
in our set when we’re on tour and to see the
[Mallary] I like that. Yes, absolutely, truly some Holy Spirit move through that song… I give
of the best songs that I have ever written came people a chance to come up and pray, and
from what I thought was the worst time in my just to see His spirit move through that is
life. I think some of the best songs come out of pretty amazing. I have a feeling that song
the worst situations. It’s pretty funny, there was will probably be the second single off of
a moment in my life when I was doing country
music and I was going through a really bad
Lay It Down (At the Feet of Jesus)
this project and I hope that the church
will be able to wraps its arms around that
breakup. This boy that I was just crazy about song and take it in. Hopefully it’ll be able to
was cheating on me, so all of the songs I had do whatever God has planned for that song
written at that moment in time were all about to do. Those songs are really beautiful to
man-hating. (laughs) just be in the church. I think that’s really
I remember when I ended up getting married
my managers told my husband they were
going to pay him to keep ticking me off, that
[WM] Listeners and songwriters will be
My God
June 2019
pleased with the vulnerability within your
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