great. But I’ve never been that way, I’ve always me, and I can say, “Not today. You’re not going
been an emotional writer, so everything that I to bother me today! I’m not believing your
write I try to write from my heart. I’m like, “How lies”. When I was learning that lesson it was
can this help people? A song like “Wildflowers” me comparing myself to other females on the
was a fun song because it just made me tour, and just feeling really small and saying, “I
remember how growing up in Georgia was with didn’t think people were even listening to me,
four siblings, and we were always wanting to
grow up. Once we were grown up, we wanted
they’re still coming to get their seats when I’m
onstage”. I was asking, “Why am I here, Lord”?
to go back and be young again. I enjoy writing
songs from that place of being a child or about wrote “Me” just from this real place. I struggled I wrote the song “Me” just because if I felt like
things I went through in my life, and hopefully for a minute when I was on a tour last year. I was braver or stronger or tougher, maybe my
it’ll help encourage someone else. Once I started down this path of making career would be farther along. And I though
Christian Music, I thought I would be protected that’s probably such a common thing for
[WM] Your new release, Out of My Hands, is from the enemy. That I was going to be good… people to do, it’s so easy to fall into the trap
awash with some beautiful and healthy lyrical nothing was going to get to me that bothered of comparing yourself to someone else. So
themes of identity and self-worth, which many me before; you know, super naive. that song came from a place of trying to see
folks struggle with. The new single, “Me”,
ourselves the way God sees us. Because
declares the things that we can be. It’s been But the very first week I was out on tour, Satan when we see flaws in ourselves, God sees
said that there are a lot of things that we are knew my insecurities, he knew my weakness, this beautiful thing that He’s made in His own
not, but also a lot of things that we are! How and he came for me out of the gate. It was image. And even with our flaws, He can use
have you processed this learning? a lesson for me to be able to learn where I those to help other people. I was just really
struggle, and I can at least recognize it now trying to change the vantage point of how I saw
and be able to speak it out before he gets to myself, and hopefully to help remind people
[Mallary] These are really great questions! I
June 2019
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