us this ability and this talent and the means more coming (laughs.) We are so passionate
to do this. It’s humbling when I’m posting a about the church and the volunteers and
pedal on Reverb, the classifieds on Facebook, equipping people, and that’s really what the
or whatever, and somebody is like, “Hey, I’m channel was designed to do, to equip those
interested in this pedal, and by the way I use people who serve the church. We as worship
your patch all the time!” And I’m like, “This is leaders, and I as a volunteer worship leader, we
crazy, you live in England!”
FAQs: Why I started WT, Christian artists playing
in secular venues, and acoustic guitar pickups
I’m very appreciative and it kind of just stokes
believe that if we didn’t have volunteers serving
the church, and those who give up time from
their families, we would not be able to do what
the fire. If people have come to rely on these they opened the position up, I applied, and we do, the church wouldn’t be able to exist,
things, even if it’s a free patch, it’s an honor then they interviewed me for six more months – really. So the heart we have for volunteers is
that somebody would forego purchasing from churches are crazy, man (laughs)! just massive, we have so much respect for
someone else or making their own patches.
the volunteers at our church and for people
People have said stuff like, “I used to make What’s funny is that since I left my job at New who watch the channel and talk about serving
my own but then I tried one of yours and I’m Hope, I volunteer so I’m not paid at all by my their church. We get comments a lot from
never making my own again.” That’s humbling, church for the things that I do there. At New people who are frustrated because not a lot of
encouraging, and motivating! Hope, and I believe this is true at all churches, churches are led well, and so our hearts go out
that part of membership is that you serve. We to them. If we could fly around to every single
[WM] Brian, one of many favorite things say, “We don’t want something from you, we church and help mentor their leadership that
about what you do is that your business is a want something for you.” We believe that when would be just right up our alley as far as where
provision that came out of a heart to serve. You a person serves it does something for them. It’s our hearts are.
had a double major in chemistry and biology, less about the church or you fulfilling a need but really found your calling as a volunteer in for the church and it’s more about God using [WM] I might not have told you guys this
youth ministry, and ultimately become a youth you to further His kingdom and to reach more before, but I’m a ‘retired’ volunteer worship
pastor. Can you share your thoughts about the people, and I believe that with all my heart. and creative arts director. As I was looking at
connection between serving, being a blessing We are very passionate about the people who the amazing range of lessons in the Worship
to others and that atmosphere for blessing that serve the church. Fuller and Bradford and I, if Manual I was so impressed that you speak
created in your own life? you watch our live videos that we do on Friday, into the practical stuff as well as the awkward
we often talk about it. Fuller in particular is ministry moment stuff like dress codes and
[Brian] So to expand on what you said, I did passionate about those who serve the church the self-awareness that your congregation
major in chemistry and biology in college, I and the role of people in leadership over those just might not like the number of new songs
worked in a lab in the science field in research, who serve the church – how well we honor, you’re adding – or might be happy singing
and I volunteered as a youth sponsor at protect, pastor, and equip them – that we make your favorites from five years ago. While you
the Mennonite Brethren church in Edmond it so serving is a joy, as it should be. guys make it clear that the nuances vary
Oklahoma. That’s the church I grew up going
from congregation to congregation, what are
to, I’m rooted in and I love that church. The I don’t know if I answered your question some of the things that you teach on that are
position came open and I applied for it. I had specifically, but if you start talking about serving a problem for churches most week in and
been volunteering as the youth pastor for a and volunteers you’re going to get a whole lot, week out?
year because we didn’t have one, and then and I’m just one of us so you’re going to have Sound guys (and girls!): how to handle comments
on your mix - especially from your pastor // Wor-
ship Leader Wednesday Tips for live-streaming your worship services //
Sunday Vlog #46
June 2019
This Is Amazing Grace - Phil Wickham - Electric
Guitar Cover // Fractal Axe-FX III & AX8 Preset
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