pads or we make more patches, they can’t just that does is offer me a little bit of validation. [Bradford] I look at two things. In scripture
be ‘good enough’, they need to be as good as There are times when you wonder if you’re good you see the parable of talents, and I like that it
they possibly can be, so we feel the weight of enough, or should I go work at McDonalds? It’s was actually referred to as a form of money at
it a little bit. these little reminders that the Lord gives you to the time. I look at the servant who buried their
encourage you and let you know you’re having talent because they were afraid something was
[Fuller] One of the feelings I have is a genuine an impact and helping other people. It’s very going to happen to it, so Jesus, or the master
sense of humility and gratitude that the Lord validating to see those numbers, and for me it took it from that dude and handed it to a person
has given us this. I would say for me, and makes it easier to pursue bigger dreams and to who would actually do something with it, invest
probably for Brian and Brad as well, it’s a tough keep pushing. Some of the things we come up in it, and do something to make it better. So,
industry. Ministry is hard. Being a creative artist with while having lunch might be too big, but I look at it as, to whom much is given, much
or a musician is hard. All of those things are it’s just a reminder that we’re doing what we’re will be required. With all humility, with the skill
very difficult, and you have a lot of mountains supposed to be doing. that we have in creating sounds and dialing in
to climb if you’re pursuing that. So for me what
Practical tips for great stage presence //
Worship Leader Wednesday
things, we’ve got to take it seriously. God gave
Auditions, Part 1: How to audition people for your
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June 2019
Auditions, Part 2: What happens when people fail
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