and authenticity and that is exactly why we
[Fuller] I think over 50,000 now.
make patches. We try to make them excellent
so that when somebody gets one they can
[Brian] It’s very humbling and it’s very much
an honor. The first thing is that we use this stuff
[WM] How many downloads for presets?
use it and not have to worry about if it’s going
in our church. I developed the first set of pads
out of necessity because I led worship in a lot of
to sound good or how it’s going to feel when [Brian] Let me get you some hard numbers. really small churches and I needed something to
they’re veering out on their own. They can As of April, it’s looking like almost 60,000 pad help me sound bigger. Fuller developed the rest
contribute to the authenticity because they’re downloads, and that does not include our free of them because he’s better than I am (laughs).
able to play what they want. It’s been fun, and sets. Then for Helix patches it looks like a little And it was like, this helps me so much, I know
I think all three of us would say that we’re just over 50,000 downloads. that it would help other people. I’m so happy
getting started, and we’re excited!
that other churches are able to experience the
[WM] Nobody is creating more guitar patches things we make because we know how well
[WM] How many downloads for pads have used on Sunday morning than you guys are. they work for us, so that’s exciting. I always
you guys had? That must be an awesome feeling! think to myself that if we build another set of
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