what I’m doing.
[Bradford Mitchell] Brian and I got hired at modelers. So we started to put a lot of energy
New Hope a month or two apart in 2012, so into that, and it seems that within the last year
[Brian Fuller aka Fuller] Around 2013 I we would kind of both show up to meetings you don’t go a day without someone tagging
started working with Brian, helping him develop and be like, “This is over our heads”, or “What’s or messaging you asking questions. When we
more sets of pads, making multi-tracks, and going on?” you know, we were still learning saw that happening we grabbed hold of it and
doing what we call ‘bumper music’ which we everything together. So we kind of developed thought, could we use this to supplement some
will be releasing part of soon. A big thing for that friendship together. We had chatted about income, sure, but the way Brian, Fuller, and I all
us was when we started doing Worship Leader his channel and he said, “Why don’t you come look at it is the things we sell just help validate
Wednesday a couple of years ago. We did over, we’ll hang out, chat, make some music, and allow us to spend time doing the coaching
that every Wednesday for an entire year, and shoot some videos.” I had other things going and mentoring on the side. We couldn’t just
I think that was a huge turning point as far on, and I worked a second job at the time. do this for free, that wouldn’t be right or fair to
as the leadership development piece and the We figured it out for a while, but then it started our families to spend lots of time doing this for
intentionality of truly training the side of worship picking up momentum on our end, and we no reason. Ministry and helping other people
leadership as far as how to actually manage a started to get into a pretty regular rhythm of is important, but we’re worship leaders so we
worship team and things like that. That kind hanging out and doing stuff. There was a time have volunteers that we do that with, so we
of stair-stepped into the Worship Manual. I where he would do videos in his room while need to focus on our first ministry, our families.
would say my main role, in addition to product I was downstairs watching his son because So really the patches and pads and everything
development, is leadership training. maybe his nanny wasn’t available at the time or we do is really just to help us spend time doing
whatever (laughs). We ended up just spending the other things.
[Brian] We should also note that at our church
more time together and enjoying it.
Fuller is our boss and our mentor, he’s in
Brian and I are very active in Facebook groups
leadership over all of the worship leaders. We’re I’ve been working with Brian almost seven and we spend time answering questions,
all worship leaders, so Fuller has personally years, but it’s only been about in the last two whether they’re about delay in general or a
been a mentor to me over the past seven years. years that we realized people would really specific delay on the Helix. We realized that
love patches for the various products and people want to lead worship with excellence
June 2019
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