Excellence and Authenticity
By Doug Doppler
Chances are you’ve either seen one of Worship [Brian Wahl] The vision of Worship Tutorials, [WM] What role do each of you play at
Tutorials’ videos on YouTube, downloaded is that every church in the world would have a the company?
Helix patches or pads from their web site, or worship experience that is both excellent and all of the above! If you’re not familiar with their authentic. Those two words are very intentional, [Brian Wahl] I’ve been on YouTube as
work, Brian Wahl, Brian Fuller, and Bradford one of the reasons that we chose those two Worship Tutorials for about eleven years, and
Mitchell have created a ton of great resources words is that they are glorifying to God and originally the YouTube channel was the Brian
for equipping worship musicians and teams. they are pretty much mandated in scripture Wahl Band. At first, I just wanted to play songs
The Worship Manual is their latest offering, and rooted in the Bible. The other thing is you and show the world that I was worth listening
and as the name implies, it is the ‘missing’ don’t have to have money to achieve them. So to, but I quickly realized that you’ve got to
manual for worship leaders. Brian Wahl and if it’s just you and a guitar or a piano, you can be better than I am to do that and to create
Bradford Mitchell will also be joining myself, pursue excellence and authenticity. Or, if you’re a platform for that. I also realized that I could
Lance Seymour from Gear Talk, and a panel leading worship at an arena and you have a offer something of more value if I were to teach
of distinguished guests at the Solutions for massive band and a humongous tech layout and equip people. So, I started teaching people
the Silent Stage TEC Track panel at Summer you can also pursue those things. Everything how to play the songs that I was doing covers
NAMM, so please join us if you’re in town! we create is done through that lens. Whether of on YouTube, and it grew from there.
Fuller and I are making a set of pads or I’m
[WM] Brian, Brian (aka Fuller), and Bradford doing a song or teaching video, we ask, “Does I released the first set of pads probably six
– super excited to finally get you guys in the this fulfill the vision? Does this help churches years ago and from there it became more of a
magazine. Although you have a number of ‘for do worship with excellence or authenticity or business for me. A couple of years ago I was
sale’ offerings like pads, guitar presets, multi- hopefully both?” So that’s really the heartbeat able to leave my full-time job at the church and
tracks, and now the Worship Manual, you behind Worship Tutorials, we exist really to focus on Worship Tutorials full time. For the
produce a ton of free content that doesn’t feel come alongside churches, worship leaders, past three to five years Fuller and Bradford,
like you’re trying to coax people into a sales volunteers at churches, and help then create a have come alongside me to help me create
funnel, which I love. So let’s start out with the worship environment that is better. more and better content. It’s an honor to work
heart behind what you do!
with these guys and have them be a part of
June 2019
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