Worship Musician June 2019 | Page 85

[Fuller] Yeah, I mean you’ve got the basics many songs, you use the phrase “the comfort of unrealistic perspective that we have as worship like, “My musicians don’t show up prepared”, worshipping” and I just love that. You taught on leaders which is why it’s so critical to chart which happens weekly at every church in it, so you must be aware of how big a problem things, facts are your friends. I remember there America, except ours (laughs), musicians not this is. Worship teams constantly fight the was a time in our church where the leadership showing up on time, and pastors making last ‘new wine, old wine’ battle of seeking the fresh was like, “We’re not doing enough new music!” minute changes. You’ve got the old person revelation from a new song versus letting the and I said, “Oh, actually, here is an Excel sheet who thinks the music is too loud and that you congregation rest in the familiar. What advice of the seventeen new songs we did last year.” don’t do enough hymns, or that you shouldn’t do you have for striking a balance on this? All of this information allowed us to be objective have sang that one song that you decided to about it and not subjective. I might be sick of a do. The list goes on and on. And that’s not even [Fuller] I think there are layers, but everything song but the reality is we’ve only done it nine the internal stuff like working with staff, other you do has to be intentional. A lot of the creative weekends, and in those nine weekends how ministries, and planning. It is a beast, and that’s people who want to bring in new songs are sick many people really came every week? For why we are doing this worship manual. of the old songs, so it’s a personal preference most people it’s about the fiftieth time where thing. You have to get rid of personal preference they start to go, “Hey, I really like this song!” It’s I’ll be 45 in October. I’m not going to be leading and be very intentional. Once you get to that all part of the craft of being a worship leader, worship forever, and I’m probably not going place of being intentional you can go, “Alright, and there is definitely a process and a system to be in full time vocational ministry forever. are we intentionally stuck in the past and do we that you can use that has factual information So I think, what a shame it would be for all need to move towards this ‘new wine’, because behind it. Spreadsheets and PCO tracking can of the things that we’ve learned collectively the Bible does call us to sing a new song?” help you do it. This is also how songwriters with experience to just go to the grave with Most people only come to church once or twice get paid, CCLI tracks usage, otherwise how us. For us it’s really that legacy of “let us a month, so for those people the song you’ve would they pay people? “I feel like we play Josh help you.” Learn from our mistakes, not your been doing eight weeks in a row is still new to Baldwin a lot, so we’re going to pay him extra!” mistakes. There’s so much there, and most of them. A lot of it comes down to perspective. A No, they track it so they can distribute the rights the problems you experience in ministry are new song for me might not be a new song for and stuff. I think as artists we really need to get leadership problems. They are very often not somebody else, so you have to narrow down into the left brain and we need to get a little bit gear problems or musical problems, those your artistic preference and be very intentional. more structured and hyper-critical about what are just things we like to do that are fun, but is really happening and remove our emotions a majority of the problems we face in ministry, One thing that we do that helps a lot is that and life, are leadership issues. So what we’re we track the songs we’re doing. Brad could trying to do is make people aware, especially walk into a meeting and I’m like, “Hey let’s do [WM] Bradford, I tuned into one of your the younger generations who might not even Reckless Love!” and he’s like, “Dude we’ve impromptu Facebook Live streams a few know what leadership is. They go to Barnes & done that song ninety times!” and I can actually months back and was super impressed the Nobel and see a category called ‘Leadership’ look on PCO and go, “Okay we’ve actually done heart behind what you were saying. Noting that and they don’t even know what it is. Raising it twelve times on these weekends.” It feels like you’re the newest member of the team, what awareness is the thing we think is really going to ninety because you have rehearsals where you advice do you have for ‘new people’ in terms fuel ministries for the next generation. Learning practice it three times, you have two or three of bringing their gifts in humility, but not getting how to lead. services plus a run-through, so on a weekend in the way of what God is already doing in where you do “Reckless Love” you’ve played the process? [WM] Fuller, in the video about adding too that song like nineteen times. So there’s this Raise a Hallelujah - Bethel Music // Acoustic Cover (feat. Pads 8) Line 6 Powercab 112 Plus // Review + Demo June 2019 and our feelings. Brad’s Patch - Line 6 Helix Patch // Demo Subscribe for Free... 85