Worship Musician June 2019 - Jonathan Cain | Page 174
everything is blaring, that means things are pants, it just kind of tightens it up. Do you need Speaking strictly for in-ear mixes, I think you
layered accordingly. In my opinion I would say if it? Maybe not. I’ve considered it important to have to find a way to utilize your goal. That’s
you listen to any worship record the things you know how to play with the click, but once you why I say kick, snare, vocals, and my bass, I
are going to hear the most prominently are lead have the understanding of it… I think you can can make that work if that is all that is available
vocals, kick and snare. Those things are the abuse that power, some people rush through to me because the pocket is present. Then
bread and butter of songs and then everything the click. don’t worry about all the other stuff, just fit into
is a layer underneath that. So I would say
the pocket. Especially with worship music, I
vocals, kick, and snare. If I have those things [WM] Is it reps, rehearsal, practice? What is need to hear the vocals at all times. Especially
I can do a set. Things like guitars and keys are the thing to focus on for worship musicians? if there is a spontaneous moment or if they go
important, but if it was like worst-case scenario
off the rails. My job as a band, they are the
and the in-ear was awful, as long as I have kick, [David] Honestly even in my earlier years it lead vocalist. I don’t care if there are tracks you
snare, vocals, I don’t even need the click. If you took a lot of people telling me, “Hey don’t rush follow the vocalist, not the tracks. If they go off,
can’t even hear the click, rely on the drummer. I it, don’t rush the click, sit in the pocket.” And I if they add a chorus, if they cut to the bridge,
would say click is just as important as kick and was like, “What’s the pocket?” And just figuring if you can hear the vocals then you can hear
snare but sometimes I don’t like the click too out what that is and understanding that you can them going into the next part and so you can
hot because I don’t want it to interfere with the still be driving. Especially with worship music stay on top of it. If you can’t hear the vocals
snare drum. Sometimes the click and snare get there is always the song with driving guitars because the guitars are too loud, you’re going
too blurry, and if I had a choice I would rather bass and drums, but you can still do it without to miss that cue and you’re going to look like
hear the snare over the click. I think being rushing if you let it play like a hairline back off the one who isn’t on it.
able to play to a click is important, I’ve always the click it can give it that room to breathe.
considered it to be like wearing a belt with your
[WM] What language or terms do you like to
June 2019
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