Worship Musician June 2019 - Jonathan Cain | Page 173
your ears. The other thing is that it’s not actually turn everything else down 2dB. That way you’re guy for Lauren Daigle, his name is Joseph, he’s
good for your hearing to remove one earphone. still getting the desired balance change without amazing, he knows what we all prefer. So, if
Your hearing is everything as a musician. For going louder overall. he doesn’t have our in-ear presets loaded,
me, because I grew up in a household with a
he can build it from scratch without us really
lot of family who had been playing music for a [David] I would say everyone back in the day saying anything. When I hear my mix, when he
long time, my uncle played in so many bands viewed you as the best master of the in-ear mix has to build a new one, it’s pretty close to be
and he told me his hearing has definitely taken and the front of house mix, because I know in honest. Maybe a few tweaks here and there if
an impact. Some days he can’t hear the TV, your position a lot of times you had to do both there was an amp on stage that may have been
you just lose the detail of the sound. For me I – which is an impossible task for a lot of people slightly louder or quieter. It has to do with that
always saw that as something to protect myself to do both really well. So, I remember looking rapport of trusting each other. I did a Q&A on
from. You can protect your ears your whole to you going, “I don’t really hear my bass but I my Instagram where I explained that knobs go
life, but it’s a natural progression to lose the don’t want to turn it up.” And you would clean both ways. I sometimes turn the bass down
higher end frequencies and there’s no real way the mix up, you’d go through and see what was a little bit. If you’re trying to hear more of your
around that. Being a musician with loud music too loud and interfering with my frequencies as bass don’t crank the bass up, that’s taking up
projected at you all the time does not help, a way to clear up my mix. too much frequency, turn some things down,
but an in-ears goal actually is to protect your
that’s why knobs don’t start at zero, zero is at
hearing because it’s isolating the sound, you’re [WM] Do you think most musicians are ok with not getting drums and guitars screeching in trusting the sound engineer to listen in and solo your ears, and you can be very intentional with their mix and make adjustments for them or is [WM] In a modern band worship setup with
what you’re wanting to hear and at what levels. it something you need to communicate first? in-ears on bass, what are the most prominent
That’s why I’m a big proponent of keeping both
noon so they can go both ways.
items in your mix level-wise, what is loudest in
ears in and not cranking the mix. There are [David] I think you have to build trust both ways to mix your IEMs so it will sound full but ways. Especially with drummers and bass not slamming. Being louder does not mean you players, you guys have got to talk a lot, you [David] I prefer to have a very full mix with me
can hear everything. have to communicate in song. A lot of times if just slightly in front. With that being said, I think
you establish a relationship with an in-ear mixer what that means to me is like if you listen to a
[WM] I refer to that as ‘downward mixing’, / front of house guy they already know what record, I always say I prefer to have a full record
where if you need a balance change instead you want before you even say anything. If they mixed with me just ahead slightly. So when you
of turning your bass up 2dB, I might instead already know how you like certain things, the listen to an actual record, that doesn’t mean
June 2019
you mix?
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