Worship Musician June 2019 - Jonathan Cain | Page 175
use during a sound check to communicate with “Hey do you have a second to listen to my mix, board some weekends depending on who
engineers? and can you clear some things up?” They’ll was mixing. So I was like, cool, it’s not worth
listen to it and be able to hear what I’m hearing the discussion. To me you can get a bass to
[David] I’m sure front of house and monitor and fix those things, because the things that sound good through a Radial DI and nothing
engineers have probably heard the whole need fixing I might not be cognizant of, but you else, everything else is just added nonsense.
encyclopedia of terms that musicians say might be, because maybe the loops have a pad So I would think, well maybe I don’t need them,
to you that are kind of vague and probably that’s stepping on the toes of my bass, but I let’s see how I can play without it. Then I did the
demeaning to the craft of audio mixing. “Split maybe don’t know that because I don’t have process where I had two DIs, splitting signals,
the difference on this”, or “Can I just have a a better education of frequencies than you do. clean and dirty, and it was getting annoying to
little bit of that”, I’ve said all those things, I’ve Trust them, I would say tell them what you’re me because I don’t really care. Then whenever
even been like, “Give me four decibels of this”. loving and what you’re needing and just trust we toured with Elevation they finally let me
The thing I feel to be the most productive in a that and go from there. bring an amp out, which was great because
setting where you probably don’t have a lot of
they were big rooms. I think the key if you want
time… I’ve never been in a sound check with [WM] How do you feel about bass amplifiers an amp, you don’t have to crank it loud. I tour
too much time, there is never enough time to on stage? with Lauren and I have a 50 watt split top with
get everything dialed the way you want it… and
one fifteen-inch speaker and I don’t even crank
you have everyone hounding the engineer for [David] I love it. I’ve played in settings with it, I keep it at 4. I think she sings louder than
tweaks. I’m learning to just trust the engineer and without amplifiers, and I will say this, I that thing, it’s the quietest thing on stage, we
more than myself. I kind of take myself out of it usually play by the rules that are given to me, have a horn section, and we have drums with
in a lot of ways and tell them the things I love, it’s a very important mindset to keep in any no shield.
“My bass and drums sound great, just bump setting. Play by the rules that are given to you. up the guitars.” I’m not saying to give me four For example, on Sunday morning there were [WM] Is that amp just sitting on the stage, is it
decibels of vocals, or two decibels of click, no amps, it was an extremely clean stage and on a tilt back stand, or how are you hearing it?
that’s getting to be too much. Instead I’ll ask, you would be lucky if you could have a pedal
June 2019
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