about this project? You’ve certainly received a part of your life than in the former.” I remember Holy” or “Worth it All”. Those seasons needed
lot of traction within the church from it. informing the Lord that He had His information those anthems, you have got to walk onto the
incorrect, “Lord, you don’t understand, things battlefield already having won the war, that is a
[Rita] When you’ve worked in this industry a like this just don’t happen. This isn’t what’s completely different take.” I said okay, and He
long time, especially women, it just lays within going to happen.” He just kept saying, “I have said, “I want you to record an album of fight
the atmosphere this thing within the secular more for you, I have more for you, I have more and victory.”
and even the Christian realm of entertainment for you.” That led into a season of asking, what or record labels and how they run, you get to a do you want me to do? Do you want me to I could have called the record “Victory”, but
certain age and, I’m just going to call a spade work at Starbucks, do you want me to start the when I went to talk to the Lord about even
a spade, you’re not relevant anymore. So as school in a different manner, do you want me to calling the album “Victory” He said, “I don’t want
a woman that’s even a little bit more difficult, go on staff? What do you want me to do? And you to call the album “Victory”, because people
you get to a certain age and the phones not He said, “I want you to sing in a way that you’ve only understand victory when they are in a fight.
going to be ringing, there is always somebody never sang before in a way that you’ve never If people are in a fight and they see something
younger to take that role. sang before. To do that you have to change that is victorious they wont even gravitate
your verbiage.” And I was like, “Okay, how do towards it because sometimes the fight is so
As I got older the Lord kept saying, “Greater I change my verbiage” He said, “You’re not in strong they can’t even see the victory. But if you
are the things you are going to do in the latter the season anymore of writing “You Are Still call it “Battle” they are going to gravitate toward
January 2020
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