what they identify with and then realize that that you were supposed to always be put back and then writing from those conversations and
what they are singing is victory.” So that was together in the first place. finding light.
songs that had those themes in them. When John Paul called later and said, “That melody “Light” is a really amazing subject to write songs
it came to “Defender” it was a moment where line and those lyrics, I remember that I brought about because there are so many beautiful
the Lord told me to pull out a young kid out to the table, Steph was with me and she helped things about light. You have these conversations
of Bethel that I had met and mentored and sat with those”, so I said let’s just give her credit, with the Lord where in one sentence He will say
down with who needed a mama. So I would she’s just amazing. I just had never thought that He loves being the God of the midnight
call him once a month and just listen to him and when we released the album that that would be hour because it’s the first hour of the day, and
pray for him and walk him through some of the the big song because of that one line. it’s actually the darkest hour of the day. But
the strategy, and I just began a year of writing
toughest things in his life. I just called him out
the Lord knows it’s the lightest hour of the day
and flew him out to Dallas and we sat and were [WM] And you’ve recently relocated back because I am right there in the beginning. So
writing. And we sat to write children’s songs for to the Nashville, TN, area from the Dallas it sparks this conversation of He is the God
a lullaby record, and we wrote this absolutely Metroplex. Tell us about this move and your of midnight, why is He always talking about
stunning song for the lullaby record. Then in new songwriting role with Capitol Christian midnight? And then to really discover that it’s
the process of that being over he said to me, Music Group. I’m really happy for you, and for because He is the first hour God, and then you
“I have the beginning stages of this song that I what you will bring to the table of new songs at translate that and what does the first hour God
started a long time ago, can I play it for you?” Capitol Christian. What’s new for 2020? look like when He’s light? Those conversations
I said absolutely, and that is where “Defender”
become what you talk about and write about
[Rita] The Lord was very specific early last in the pursuit of believing God is the God of
year and said, “I want you to do a follow up midnight, which is the first hour, and that He
It wasn’t until the day before the recording. We record.” And at this point I think when I’m done is the God of light. Translate that to another
had the first verse and we had the chorus and making records I’ll go on and write a book, conversation in the writing room about God’s
we had what we began as the bridge. I had or do this or do that, but I really felt like He love being like a landslide, it just captures your
waited for him to help with the lyrics to finish it, wanted a follow up to Battle. He said, “I want heart. It’s just been this fascinating phase of the
but he’s like a little squirrel. He’s one of those you to put a period on the album of fight, and transcendence of light and in hearing God say
guys that is easily distracted and so it was I want you to begin a sentence on an album of things like, “Do you know my blood glows in the
hard to get him on the phone or get him on light.” So, I actually started that process with dark?” and all of a sudden you’re having these
Skype. So quickly I just sat down at the studio Gateway Church, that had seen come and do conversations with the Lord about the blood of
and thought I needed to write some of these another record, and then when I resigned, I Jesus glowing in the dark like a nightlight in the
journeys that had been in my own life. I finished pulled out of all of that. And that was fine for corner that lights up the world.
the lyrics and recorded it the next night. I didn’t me, and actually I felt the Lord in that. I just know what would happen with that song. This happened to reach out to Capitol because So, it’s just this fascinating process for me
was for a Gateway record, so there was some I had met a couple of people coming out to at fifty-two years old, to be more alive, more
chuckling that, of course Rita would sing a write for Gateway in Nashville in early February awake, and more in tune with the spirit of
line like, “You come back with the head of my of 2019. I just ended up reaching out to that God and what He’s doing. And really what
enemies”. Rita could get away with singing that A&R publishing gal and said, “Hey would you He is asking of us as the church to stand and
line. And even Chris Greely the producer, we ever consider talking through a publishing declare in worship. Not being at all concerned
wrote those other two verses because he said deal?” And she jumped on that and we just or distracted by my age and my relevancy, but
you can’t sing that verse twice, you have to started conversing and meeting with people being pressed into the fact that as a mother
give people a break to it. I agreed with that, and and they were so excited about it. So, we’re I probably have more to say and there are
so we went after it. But really what that song in the process now of releasing singles early probably more young people desperate to listen
became is John Paul’s (Gentile) cry, and his next year. Jeremy Edwardson was somebody to the mentoring voices that in a lot of areas the
journey, mixed with the last ten years of my life I felt like the Lord told me to call and ask to church has just not been. If I want to resurrect
when I needed God to defend me against some produce the next project. We’ve been working anything in the church it’s really to raise up the
of the most brutal betrayal I had ever felt in my on two of the first singles. It’s just been beautiful voices of the Moms and Dads to not overpower
life. Realizing that God could find you wherever to wake up three or four times a week and have these kids but to come up alongside and say,
you felt lost and in those shattered remnants a writing meeting and talk about the presence “What you carry is absolutely stunning. How
and actually put you back together in a way of the Lord and what’s going on in peoples lives can I breathe life into you so that what you
January 2020
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