So when I started DIVE and started to find these
artists I was just jumping at these opportunities
to believe in them. Because we weren’t just
going after them trying to make a name or do
anything like that, it was like a paperclip, the
Lord said to call it Paperclip because when
you think of a paperclip, you can pull pieces of
paper out of a paperclip but when you staple
something together you’re going to actually
do damage if you pull those papers apart. So I
thought about contracts and all of these things
I was used to and how everything was so
clad, and I didn’t want that with these beautiful
creatives. I want them to know that were all just
joining them with their idea, and that’s where
it all started. I released that project, but we
ended up pulling it from iTunes because we
didn’t finish it. We had raised all this money and
I had given all of that money to a producer who
I fully believed in in who ended up stealing all
of that money and basically just disappearing.
So it was kind of a punch in the gut because
I was doing it for the Lord, but even then the
Lord was like, “Anything that you did its not in
the wrong timing, it’s just that now you have to
give over to me what has happened so that I
can work it out.”
And that’s where we kind of left it, were
launching this whole new thing this year with
DIVE and taking it to the next level. I think now
is the season of renewal with it, so I’m excited
to see what happens next with Paperclip.
[WM] On your project Battles released a
couple of years ago, there’s a song called
“Defender”. It certainly brought me to a place of
worship. Those chord changes and those lyrics,
“And all I did was pray, all I did was worship, all
I did was bow down, all I did was stay still”,
I feel like the Lord said to me early on, “Rita, one on the radio.” And He said to me, “Why do
success isn’t about awards and Instagram and you give me credit for someone’s celebrity on
Facebook followers” He doesn’t define success the radio?” and I pulled back with that, I think
like that. I remember Him very specifically there’s this kind of belief system I have where I
saying to me, one day when I commented think if a Christian artist makes it big it must be
about things that I knew about some artist that I the favor of God. And the Lord was like, “Rita,
sarcastically commented to God and said, “You man has the ability to market someone so well
must be okay with their lifestyle outside of the that everyone goes after them and it may have
stage or you wouldn’t allow them to be number nothing to do with me.”
literally leveled me. Wow! What can you tell us
January 2020
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