Worship Musician January 2020 | Page 18

of the DIVE school, a unique environment where creatives can be encouraged to pursue cultural arts alongside the importance of “pure intention”. What’s noteworthy to me about this is the word “intention”. The intention of our hearts is often overlooked by our ourselves and our peers, but God is all about intention and the intent of our hearts. It’s the intent of our hearts that gives our worship offerings “rightness”. What are your thoughts on this? [Rita] I think its all about intention, I think Jesus didn’t come without intention, He didn’t create the world without intention. He had an idea, He had a dream, He had a plan, and then He was infused by the Father to accomplish everything in the New Testament. Then God infuses man to actually want to follow those intentions in the Old Testament promising the Son the whole time and promising that the intention of the Son coming will redeem the whole world. Again it’s that mimic, that hands and feet of Jesus type of thing where, I guess if I had the grit that I find myself not having quite as easily is, if we say that we believe in a God that is so extra ordinary but we are not willing to have intention with whatever it is we do or say in His name, then I don’t know that we really carry the true belief of what we say it is that we believe. It’s got to get in your bones, and if it doesn’t get in your bones it’s not intention, it’s just acting. If I have a worry or a deep groaning for the church at large, it’s that I think sometimes our need to fulfill people’s Christianity awareness or to find the lost is we do it thinking we have true intention and what were building is the edifice of program and curriculum. We try to fascinate baby Christians with a crib mobile while they’re in the crib of learning. was going to do that, I didn’t have a manuscript [WM] You’ve even recorded some of these Starting the DIVE school I did it perhaps without outside of the Bible. I didn’t have someone DIVE students under the moniker Paperclip the full understanding of what God was asking leading the way for me, but I had a call from the Worship. I’ve listened to some of these me to do, but with the full intention that God Lord and when I got the call it was with great recordings and there are some very gifted was breathing on something and I was listening intention that I stepped my foot forward. All young people on the project, which is very to Him say, “I am going to use creative’s in the the understanding sometimes come after your exciting. Tell us about this. last days, I need them to get up, wake up, and pressing to just keep moving. I think that’s what start partnering with me in creativity.” And that the driver of my life really is, I don’t get up in the [Rita] Well, you know, there are all of these was my primary goal, and I didn’t know how I morning without intention. things that I just push forward to do because 18 January 2020 Subscribe for Free...