Rita Springer is a soulful voice crying in the For me seeing everything that Jesus did in the comes off Aarons beard. To become influenced
wilderness. A gifted composer, author, and New Testament, He used this really beautiful is the most danger, you can be susceptible to
pioneer in expanding the definition of worship, balance, which I think made Him the influencer become influenced and become the sponge
Rita is now writing in partnership with Capitol that He became. He didn’t come in angry when that just takes everything in and then you have
Christian Music Group. Her website motto is He wasn’t supposed to be angry, He didn’t no identity. But when you pull back and you
telling: “My desire is to make Christ famous come in un-healing when He wasn’t supposed let The One be the thing you’re influenced by
through the art, act, and physical sound of to not be healing, He knew the environment and you learn from the Lord, you then learn the
worship.” It’s that kind of focus that has allowed to which He came in and He understood the atmosphere of adaption and giving and pulling
her impact upon the church, including her environment and He used the language in that and receiving.
outspoken stance on the subject of “adoption”, environment in that season in the way that He and her son Justice. was supposed to. So I think I’ve learned a lot So for me that’s how I see it in my head and
just by gauging the temperature when I walk I think maturity just lends itself. If we in the
into these environments. There are simple age that were in, if we wake up every day
things that I realize in every environment, wanting to learn something new, not just
especially if you’re going to talk about doctrinal about the Lord, but about the atmosphere of
environments that people believe something the presence of God. The atmosphere of the
because they were raised to believe it, or presence of people’s pain. The atmosphere
something’s happened that they pull on of people learning what worship is for the
Adopting Justice those beliefs. So when you go in with you first time or learning how to handle things for
belief system into an atmosphere that has a the first time. To engage those environments
[WM] Rita, there’s so much to talk with you completely different or opposite type of look to is a way of saying we’re not too old to learn
about, and what’s so interesting is that your it or its just shaded differently than what you how to become more mature. And we really
world is not confined to any one single aspect carry, it has nothing to do with whether or not become mentors because we don’t just stop
of worship but is manifested in an array of somebody agrees with how you sing or with somewhere along the way and stop teaching
expressions. So, let’s start now. One hears how you posture yourself in worship, it really is and stop lending ourselves to mothering and
the term “influencer” these days, primarily going in with a mentality of balance and saying, fathering people… and that’s really important.
within the context of social media platforms. “You must have seen something in me they You certainly have been an influencer over you’re inviting me into this perspective of yours, [WM] That’s so true. As I’ve aged, I too have
the years within the church, choosing not to so how can my atmosphere blend with your found that I have fewer non-negotiables.
align within any one particular denomination or atmosphere where you’re at right now?”
worship expression, but to serve within multiple
[Rita] Yes. Absolutely, I even told someone
churches and persuasions. As a champion for I think I just learned that language over the yesterday, they were asking about Justice, I
the cause of real worship, what’s it been like years. I’ve learned how to not come in because think it was my Uber drivers, and he asked why
for you to model true worship within so many I know I’m an influencer, but to come in without I never got married, and I said that when the
congregations and people types? judgment. Every church that asks you to call to adopt came first, the list that I had for
come do something, whether it’s the invitation a man to marry had five hundred more pages
[Rita Springer] That’s a great question. I I just got, “Our pastor is having his fifty year attached to it (laughs). There was something so
think I narrow it down to the really simplistic, celebration, we’d love to have you!”, or, “We precious in the middle of it that I wasn’t going to
I’ve been known to say to many of my students had this thing happen in our congregation build a family based on what it was supposed
that my favorite word in the English language and it’s been really trying and we just want a to look like and then do damage if I got the
is “balance”. I think I learned to carry balance celebration service where we come after this.” wrong person. And then that wrong person
in everything I speak or every piece of advice I Or if it’s a conference, it’s about knowing that spoke into the life that I was given to raise and
gIve or every atmosphere that I’ve entered. We what you’re coming into is an experience so the stakes just got higher. I got not just more
should walk in balance, which is the balance that someone else is already having. If you cautious, but more wholly aware of what the
of understanding and the balance of pulling the add your experience too, then I think all of a Lord was asking me to do.
information that’s in the atmosphere to how sudden that ignites this beautiful uniting thing you’re going to walk out. And really, reading that happens in Scripture. I quote it all the time, [WM] Your worship activity has extended far
scripture. when brethren get together, this thing occurs, beyond leading worship. You’re also a gifted
and we become whatever is the residue that songwriter, recording artist, author, and founder
January 2020
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