the nuances that separate the two, as well as
how you approach getting the message of your
mission across?
[Steven] I look at it like a store, I used to
work in retail at Nordstrom. Stores start out
with mission and vision, and they have core
values, what they want to sell, and who their
target audience is. I feel like with artists in that
same way we have a target audience, we have
a mission and a vision, and that’s what we
have to tie to it. I feel like with an artist, when
you can tie in elements of who you are, that
is how people can relate to your brand. With
Steven Malcolm it’s like, okay, young Hip-hop
kid who loves fashion, who is Jamaican, who is
conscious, who is a leader, and all of that just
encompasses who my target audience is and
what my mission and vision is. We could even
take characters out of the Bible for examples,
like Christ himself, what He stood for, what His
mission and vision was. He poured into twelve
[WM] Your father was from Jamaica, how has individuals, but really poured into three of them
that impacted you as a musician? deeply, you know what I mean, it’s just certain
things and qualities and attributes that make up
[Steven] I was born here in Michigan but my a certain person, and they are who they are,
father was from Jamaica so we would visit and they let people know their identity and what
literally every summer when I was growing they’re here to offer people.
up. Culturally it’s exciting because I’ve always
listened to Reggae music, and I’ve always loved
“The Second City” // Steven Malcolm
what it meant, the foundation of Reggae music,
[WM] You are the first Hip-hop artist to
appear at the NAMM Night of Worship. There
speaking peace and unity, and empowering Out of the darkness was a moment about two-thirds of the way
people. The culture of it, and to be able to Out of the prison through your set where I really felt you fight
do it, is just amazing and being authentically Light up the future for a ‘breakthrough moment’. Regardless of
Jamaican just makes it that much sweeter. The Hope and redemption style and background, what are the things
impact is just that I really love to be unique and That duality is very cool. What is your that Worship artists share in common when
original. So in this game and this lane that I’m perspective on mixing the two together? it comes to imparting the message God has
running in it’s like, I have a reggae sound that
placed on our hearts?
nobody else has as a Christian Hip-hop artist. [Steven] It’s definitely changed, now that is It’s something that’s different that people can what is the current sound, melodic rapping with [Steven] That’s one of the things, like when
definitely distinguish, like, “Yo, Steven Malcolm more vocals in there. I think that’s something you hear people pray, or you hear the pastor
has that Reggae in there, he’s able to do it, we that just came with the times, the generation, praying before the sermon starts, about people
love it, it’s a dope sound, and he’s Jamaican.” what the Hip-hop sound is nowadays. The having open hearts. I feel honestly like that’s
So, it’s just something that I really wanted to catchy melodies are what are in now, honestly. one of the things that I know, when it comes
tie to the brand to really make people realize
to Christian music people tend to… Like I said
who I am, and that it is part of my identity, that [WM] A moment ago you used the word earlier, Hip-hop is not a thing when it comes to
heritage on my father’s side. brand. There is a fine line that separates letting Christian music, it’s not what is on the radio that
people know who you are as a Worship artist people are listening to, it’s not what the culture
[WM] Your music isn’t just rap. The Second and mainstream artists pushing themselves on has really pushed when it comes to Christian
City starts out with this lovely vocal line, people in search of a buck. Can you describe music. When I go to places like that I know that
February 2019
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