[Steven] I took a year, once I started going to that He wanted me to do. Because it literally and at the end of the day really stayed rooted to
church, I took a year to really get rooted in my was a one-eighty from what I had been playing my foundation, and this is being a man of God
faith, and rooted in my scriptures. I really wanted my whole life, and here I am at twenty, twenty- who uses his music to grow by Jesus.
to know who Jesus was, I didn’t want to just one years old, and I’m getting a tug on my heart come in and start trying to rap about something to literally change my whole career just how I I got signed in late 2016 to Curb records, the
that I didn’t know and someone who I didn’t changed my life the past year. I prayed, and I first rapper on that label, they’ve been around
know. So, I took a year, and my plan was not to really felt God saying, “Hey, this is not you, this for sixty years doing CCM music and they see
rap, that was never in the plan, my plan was to is me, I’m just using you as a tool and as a Hip-hop starting to grow. So yeah, I was the
still play basketball. After a year of going to this vessel to speak through you.” number one draft pick on their squad man. I did
church, The Edge, the pastor was like, “Hey,
my debut album, then we put out The Second
how do you want to serve? I think it’s time to I heard that and I just went with it. I told all my City this year, and “Fuego” is going crazy. I feel
get out of the pews and serve.” Basically, that friends that I was going to start trying to rap and like because, like I said, I grew up in the Hip-
started the empowerment part of it. I came in take it serious as a career, so the pastor built a hop culture, I still immerse myself in the Hip-hop
the first day, was sitting out in the pews for a studio in the church. Literally I would sleep in culture, I really still to this point hang out in the
year, and now the pastor is seeing something in the church, I would get off of work, go to the hood with my homies, I’m in tune with the Hip-
me where it was time to raise me up. So, they church, be there recording all night man, and hop culture so I feel like the sound that I put out
asked me what I thought about serving on the just doing that independent grind, learning how is so mainstream sounding, but when you listen
worship team, and they do hip hop music. So to book shows, emailing churches, making my to the words you realize that, “Oh, this dude
that’s how it all started, I started serving at the own electronic press kits on my laptop. And is a Christian.” I feel like that is why songs like
church and I realized that I was really good at yeah, that’s where I really honed-in on really “Fuego” are getting good looks and notoriety,
rapping, and performing, and leading worship. I taking this serious and watching God grow it because the sound of it is just so bangin’. Once
got a lot of verbal confirmation from everybody, and create a life for me. And that’s what He did, they really listen to it is when they put it in that
and so one night I just literally felt a tug on my I just took it really serious, worked harder than category of ‘Christian rap’, but when they first
heart to pray and ask God if this was something everybody, stayed obedient, stayed faithful, hear my music it’s just like, “Whoa, who is this?”
February 2019
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