these people don’t listen to Hip-hop. They’re enjoy it, maybe they’re just not going to be up [WM] Can you unpack your take on engaging
not going to understand a word I’m saying. The and shouting. It happens a lot that they’ll come people through a performance, but doing so
only thing that they’re really going to be able to up to me afterwards and be like, “That was so without a traditional ‘performance mentality’?
relate to is the passion that they see from my amazing!” And I’ll be like, “I didn’t notice that performance on stage, and I know that already you thought it was amazing, because you were [Steven] It’s all about worship. When I started
comes automatically. So my mindset is, I’m just staring at me!” (laughs) out it was leading worship at a church, and
going to get up there, I’m going to worship, and
to me, I always tell people worshiping is a lot
I’m going to speak to God’s people. I’m going But then there’s another half where it’s just easier than performing. When we were on the
to speak to the Lord in hopes that their heart like, “Yo, I don’t care who is on stage, we’re Bible Tour, it was like a fourteen or fifteen city
is open enough. Even if they don’t understand in the midst of worship.” Whatever that looks stop, and each time I went out and did worship,
it, even if they don’t like it, or enjoy it. They’re like for you to be in your own zone with your more like the songs that I did at NAMM except
going to have an open heart and see a young hands up praying to yourself. Like, if you the last one. It was just two worship songs,
man who is passionate, who is not using his were to go to another country and be with a the slower ones. I don’t have to force people
talent to be out in the streets, who is not using group of Africans, or Koreans, or even if you to jump around. It’s literally just me in my heart
his talent to glorify anything else… but is using went to Russia, and you worship there. You’re laying myself in front of the Lord and just being
his talent to glorify Jesus. not going to understand a word that they’re on stage and actually resonating, actually
saying because they don’t speak English, but thinking about the words that I am saying. And
I feel like people who don’t like Hip-hop music they’re still genuinely worshiping the Lord. Am I the difference... it’s not even the music honestly,
should really have that kind of heart to where going to be like, “Ugh, I’m not into that, I can’t it’s more so the message in the music and how
it’s like, “Okay, this is not my type of music, but understand it?” No! I pray that people look at it I’m saying it. There’s definitely a difference, but
it’s super awesome knowing the crazy statistics and see people worshiping and rejoice in seeing worshiping is just so much easier.
that are out there, that there is a young Black people worship. That’s why when I’m on stages man on stage worshiping Jesus to the point like that and I just don’t feel people genuinely [WM] You’ve performed for over 1,000,000
that he’s sweating like crazy.” You know what wanting to worship, who are just judging the people, and the video for “Fuego” has over
I mean? That’s the beauty in it for me. Either music, they don’t get it, I just fight past them 1,000,000 views. Those are some pretty
people, they see it and they love it and they and continue worshiping God. exciting numbers for any artist! What are some
February 2019
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