Worship Musician December 2019 | Page 146

her to engineer again next week, I said, “No, I’d [Rick] Understand that we don’t have this to anywhere from five to eight people. Keep like you to watch assist the director by calling coaching thing all figured out. We’re talking in mind that our coaches are volunteers cues, keeping time on the songs, and adjusting about how we reform the teams to become themselves and have a job or two, kids, and charts.” I want her to get that consciousness. I more relational. But we are at one of those all that. think in a couple of weeks she could be ready awesome times when our coaching structure to do that. She’s got ProPresenter down. and our high capacity coaches are waist [WM] Are all of your coaches good at being She’s getting sound engineering. And now deep in loving on and shepherding volunteers. with people? Sometimes in tech world it seems she’s getting a little taste of being an assistant Rather than just being about the roles and that some really good techs may be more director, too. She can feel that I’m empowering responsibilities and how you run the camera, challenged at interpersonal skills? her. it’s about, “How are you?” It is so easy to be In addition to shadowing, we completely consumed with what I'm playing [Rick] Some people are best at shepherding. create this week, my cue list, my mix. The job. We’re Others excel at teaching technology. We opportunities for people to get hands on times trying to create systems that help us walk that look at everyone’s strengths and redeploy as when it’s safe for people to try their hand at a difficult balance between my expression or task necessary into three different roles: lead techs, station. We’ll let them strap the camera on and and loving people like Jesus wants. mentors, and coaches. Lead techs oversee drive it around on Thursday rehearsals or at one of the disciplines like cameras, graphics, some points early before our Saturday service. We have coaches deliberately orbiting the broadcasting, or FOH. They look ahead to what Then they get to watch the lead people during team, looking to take advantage of in-between we’ll be trying next and prepare everyone for the actual run through. Because they’re actually moments, 10 minutes here, 20 minutes what’s coming. Mentors train the volunteers trying things out, they have a better idea what there, to sit down, have a sandwich, and talk. who are learning the stations. Coaches to look for when they’re shadowing. More info Coaches are asking God to reveal the one who connect with everyone individually and become sticks, and they enjoy it, too. really needs a hug this week. the contact person when life hits the fan. This [WM] Rick, how do you develop both skill and Sometimes that means making a phone call and shepherding. It helps us be efficient and relationship? or meeting a volunteer for coffee. Each coach functioning in areas of strength. It also honors gives love, care, support, and shepherding the volunteers’ time. approach addresses leadership, development, 146 December 2019 Subscribe for Free...