[WM] How do you identify people who can [WM] So unpack that a bit, and give me an
catch that vision and how do you stoke that example of how you recruit and develop people.
[Christina] Let’s look at Sue. She might look
[Rick] (Introducing Christina Cook Lee) That’s at those cameras and think she could never
why I wanted to bring Christina to the interview. do that, but there’s still a pull. You see her and
She’s coached and mentored many people and feel like God’s telling you that she may be a
is a wizard at recruiting. gem in the making. So you say, “Hey, we need
a camera person. Come on and I’ll walk with
[Christina Cook Lee] For me, bringing you through it!” If you already have a camera
people into ministry must be really birthed in person, you start by inviting Sue to watch, then
prayer. I look for people who I think God may be try it out with help, then try it on her own. As
leading me to. I’ve served at churches where she develops on cameras, I may expose her to
sometimes it came down to an empty station other stations if she’s willing.
with no one to fill it. I literally walked into the
auditorium asking God to show me who to ask, For example, I’ve been working with an 18-year-
walking up to that person to ask, “Will you help old who is really sharp running ProPresenter.
us today?” Imagine putting someone with no I saw real potential in her, so I asked, “What
background or training on a camera and talking are you doing next weekend? Do you want
them through the service on headsets. There to come when I engineer?” She came along.
are people all over the place who are wanting Now she's developing into a pretty good audio
to be needed, waiting to be recognized, hoping engineer. But I still think she’s capable of more.
to be asked. Then for last weekend when she asked if I’d like
Christina & Rick