and volunteers are incredibly brilliant, incredibly Volunteers need to know how to do the job. them to go do it. And in a healthy equipping
capable people. We also have less experienced “This is how you learn your part from a chart. environment you never push them away from
volunteers. And everyone has a life that extends This is how to hold your mic. Push this button the dock until the correct process makes them
outside the walls of our campuses. So, we at the right time. This is how you rack focus a feel safe. It’s O.K. if they’re nervous; I like a little
work hard to create an engaging culture and shot. This is how you do a push or a pull. This is bit of butterfly, but I never want them to feel
set up our volunteers to be successful. how you execute a lighting cue. This is how you unsafe.
build the look and feel of the room.”
I am a big proponent of the equipping culture.
[WM] Successfully bringing on new volunteers
That can be a challenging thing because in But making it easy for people goes beyond involves showing, teaching, and building
tech there’s always the tyranny of the urgent. simply training them to do tasks. There’s a relationships. With all the training, with our push
The weekend comes 52 weeks a year plus caring ethos that runs underneath the activity. toward excellence, with every other legitimate
conferences, special events, Christmas, Easter, We have to approach this very intentionally and thing that God has on each of our plates, how
the World Leadership Summit, ARC events, walk with them. We have to take them along. do you keep staff and volunteers from burning
and so on. There’s a countdown, “live in 3, Becoming relational means that activity creates out under the pressure of producing event after
2, 1” and that camera light comes on. So we moments to connect. event?
enable equipping amidst the activity of running We start by showing. One of the biggest tells [Rick] I pray for passion. Passion brings
stations. If our staff and volunteers are stressed of a truly healthy equipping environment is that people to serve. It feeds the drive to serve. You
out, they’re not at their best when it comes to you won't see any staff person walking around can cast vision all you want, but if your people
loving people. So we teach our people that without at least 1 non-staff person with them, lack passion, they won’t stick. Sure, you have
by being well prepared we can better take simply showing them what we’re doing. You to share the vision. Passion keeps them around
advantage those opportune moments for walk with volunteers and let them see you do long enough to learn that vision, take ownership
ministry that arise. it. Then you watch them do it. Then you trust in their part of it, and see it come to fruition.
have to build infrastructure and processes that
December 2019
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